
Republished The Batman book Masks and Shadows. Just to see how you guys like it and if it does better 


Hey. Just wanted to ask (assuming this is the correct person) why was the story "Green Lantern Animated Series x Male Reader - OMG!!!!!" taken down? I was really looking forward to more chapters


@Carl867 at the current moment I’m not accepting requests 


Ignore that lol 


@UltramanWhoLaughs nahhh I think I wanna know dog


So, Ben Potter otherwise known as Comicstorian passed away. The man was a pillar in the nerd community. A man who millions have watched, is responsible for countless people being exposed to comic books is no longer with us. 
          Ben Potter is responsible for me reading ongoing comics as a whole, 8 years ago I stumbled across his channel when I was trying to get into comics. I watched his at the time ongoing series on Darkseid War, and that let to me picking up the current issues of the story, and then reading DC Rebirth which basically lead to the shelf’s of comics I now have. I owe this man everything and more.
          The nerd community shall never truly be the same, I just hope he knew how much he mattered and the effect he had.
          May He Rest in Peace 


I love his comic experience and dungeon & Ale series that i started rewatching. Then, after i heard of the news, the man was a YouTube legend rest in peace


Rest in peace Ben and thank you for getting me into comics and keep up to date with new released issues 