
I just finished watching the super Mario bro’s movie and all I have to say is Oscar performance 10 stars have any of you guys seen it yet if so who was your favorite character mine are donkey Kong and bowser


Today is a very special day today cause it my birthday and I’m going to 19 today but enough about me I hope you’re all doing well on this day


You know sometimes when you made a reply and to someone and they don't reply back even for a while can kind of get a little annoying, I know some guys might be a little busy but at least reply once after you got one. don't you guys agree


@Pikan00b I didn't mean to sound like you're being targeted just wanted to state the facts and it's not just you some other wattpad writers I look up and stories I read do it to again not really targeting anybody just wondering


@Ultimatesonicracer why do I feel targeted all of a sudden?


Here's my OC backstory and personality list:
          Penny: A kind engine who voiced and became the Polar Express. She's a kind engine who does all her work without fuss.
          Dick: A big pompous express diesel who thinks himself as modern and up-to-date that once worked on the Sante Fe Railway, until he came to Paradise Island. He loves any passenger train, but loathes any goods train.
          Den: A friendly orange freight diesel. He was the friendliest diesel engine in America, and helped any engine he could in any way. He can have an attitude if someone bullies his friends, but he can be friendly.
          Edman: A little Diesel Shunter that works hard, but loves to be cheeky at times. He was once the only shunter in his yard, and when others came, he started to get annoyed with how they did things. Soon, he had to learn how to work with others, and lets others to their own way, and him his own way.