
I just want to say that I hope that everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving!
          	Also, for those who were reading Years Later, I have found the motivation to continue writing. I just finished chapter seven and will publish the story when I have finished writing the rest of the chapters. 
          	Have a great day, evening, night!
          	-Alana R-S


I just want to say that I hope that everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving!
          Also, for those who were reading Years Later, I have found the motivation to continue writing. I just finished chapter seven and will publish the story when I have finished writing the rest of the chapters. 
          Have a great day, evening, night!
          -Alana R-S


So this is really random but I'm really excited, so I'm gonna share. 
          I transferred schools last year, from one state to another, and I was fine until I got my schedule. They put me in two classes that I have previously taken and earned the credits for, so my mother was beyond angry when they refused to acknowledge my credits even when I talked to the guidance counselor. So she pulled what I call a 'major Karen' and went to the superintendent of our county's board of education. When they did nothing, she emailed the governor of Alabama, the state Representative, our county's representative, and the head of the board of education that covers the entire state. We just received a letter from the governor herself and now I am beyond excited. I just had to share with someone so don't mind this. 
          Thanks for just ignoring my rant!! 
          -Alana R-S 


@Kitsunekura2010 they haven't changed them yet but I hope it's soon. And thank you!! 


@UchihaUzumakiAlana , well shot good for you on getting into the right classes, tho   


For everyone reading Years Later, I deeply apologize for not updating. I'm dealing with AP courses and Dual enrollment as a freshman, as well as being in the middle of moving to another state. I will be writing more and hopefully will be updating more after the move. This will probably be near the end of March and I will be really busy, but I promise I will update. 
          Thank you all for the support on the story, I love all of you for it! 
          -Alana R. S. 


Hie, great writer,
          Firstly, I just wanted to ask, how do you use writing prompt technique because I am having difficulty sticking to a point when I am freewriting stories.
          Secondly, can you a least finish what you started when it comes to writing Naruto fanfictions please. I was reading your book, which was an MadaraxNaruto and it was very intriguing and interesting at the same time.
          So please, please finish what you start because readers like me are waiting for you to finish it.


Hello great writer (◉‿◉) 
          I am a translator 
          Translate novels from English to Arabic or vice versa 
          I came to take your consent, do you agree? 
          We are pleased to deal with you and please reply as soon as possible
          Also, all rights belong to you and consider them your achievements 
          Our translation team, please do not refuse 
          And thank you for reading our message ❤  


@ ll_otaku__ll  
            We also apologize for the delay. We are also facing problems.. Thank you for agreeing to our request. We think that this story of yours is very cool because it has a “Madanaru” couplet. Thank you and please accept our apology for the delay. Stay tuned for our translation soon.., it won't be like this The account is bad, we will tell you the details later, bye!! 


@ll_otaku__ll I'm sorry for taking so long to reply, but you do have my consent to translate this fanfiction. However I do ask that you give credit to the one who originally gave me the idea, I believe I put their username in the first author's note. 
            Thank you for waiting, and I will try to finish this so you can translate the rest. 
            ~Alana R-S 


For those reading Years Later... I am going back to the same place where I started the book, so I will be updating it. I will be there for two weeks so I don't know how much I'll get done but I know I will get at least three or four chapters published, that is my goal. Have a great day/night/afternoon!! ☺️


For those who are wanting me to update, I'm sorry I haven't. I started this on a break from school and and had a lot of motivation for this, but then I went home and lost a lot of it because of school, FSA, and siblings. I don't get a lot of time to actually sit and write without being interrupted and losing my focus. I'm sorry