Just a reminder, interest breeds totality


Hey man! Your book is amazing (I've said this before) and I really believe this project could be extremely marketable! You seem like a really funny person and I'm hella proud of the effort you put into this. This sounds really weird. Kay, that's it. You're super cool. Keep up the amazing work. Love the book. Go do life.


@AndyJMaroon also, share it and whatnot. If people seem to care i might finish it. It's already finished, just in my head bindings. 


this message may be offensive
@AndyJMaroon when i get another fan you'll be my biggest fan. Until then, i shall be yours (biggest fan) i really appreciate you, and honestly i wrote this off the top of my head in about 2 consecutive hours and never wrote more due to the likelihood of nobody giving a shit.... Perhaps I'll reconsider. 


Hey, just read it. It won't take that long. You can even be a dick if it sucks, just make it a hilarious burn. It'll make me happy and that feels nice.  Sorry it's not as offensive as  as I'd like it to be, executive decision.