
I had forgotten to spread my cheese duties and love to others for several months. I hope one day the lord cheese will forgive me. Luckily I have not my duty to consume cheese and soon my human companion shall achieve me cheese from across the great pond in the land of Paris. I shall continue regular to schedule. Far well and eat cheese


I had forgotten to spread my cheese duties and love to others for several months. I hope one day the lord cheese will forgive me. Luckily I have not my duty to consume cheese and soon my human companion shall achieve me cheese from across the great pond in the land of Paris. I shall continue regular to schedule. Far well and eat cheese


Cheese I love the way that it tastes 
          Cheese and it gets all over my face 
          Cheese many colours but not always yellow
          Cheese makes me anything but mellow 
          Cheddar,Swiss and mozzarella 
          Cheese strings , baby bell and Gorgonzola 
          American Parmesan and cheese wiz 
          I love Mac n cheese cuz it’s the biz 
          Yeah cheeeeeeeeese!


@joanchicken Thank you for the beautiful poem chicken, I have shed tears of joy from completing it. Thank you and hail cheese!


Someone told me recently that I should start eating and drinking things other than cheese. That person was wrong. I am completely healthy, I am the average weight of a male my age 300lbs, my feces is the natural color of bright yellow, and my skin is the model color orange. So for all you cheese extravagance out there yes, you can consume only cheese and still be as healthy as ever.


Oh.... oh my.... 


Dear mr cheese I have a poem for u 
          Lord cheese you are the big cheese 
          The best cheese and you are a fine example of royalty. U r a cheese u the king of everything u see,
          Ur nobleness comes shining through and even tho ur blood is blue can you guess what it is u like to dooooooo
          You like to eat your cheese!!


Dearest Cheese Lord and Dearest Shipper,
          When shall you use your age graduation gifts from me?
          Tell me what type of short stories you would like (PG-14 at most fine sir and madam) through Private Message and I shall write them for you and post them on Little Snippet of Today.
           Thank you for reading my long message @TylerEatsCheese and @MyShipHasCannons, hope you have the finest of days.


Dear Lord Cheese,
          I am elated to hear our Lord has grown yet another year, and I am very sorry for not congratulating you sooner. My gift to you is to be revealed on the 9th of this month, so you must wait yet another 3 days. 
          Sincerely, your loyal subject always,


Dear Lord Cheese, @TylerEatsCheese,
            Your gift (I’m telling you early) is the request for one short story (within reason). Use wisely my Lord. 
            Sincerely, your loyal subject always,