
Hello Everyone! We hope your having a great day! If you have checked both our announcements lately you know that Felix has been grounded so I'm currently working on a few chapters on my own. When Felix gets back he'll check over them and make adjustments as needed! Thanks for reading this update! We hope you have a beautiful day! Read ya later peeps!


Who is better:
          Izzy or Ollie?


I love them both.


Hello Everyone! We hope your having a great day! If you have checked both our announcements lately you know that Felix has been grounded so I'm currently working on a few chapters on my own. When Felix gets back he'll check over them and make adjustments as needed! Thanks for reading this update! We hope you have a beautiful day! Read ya later peeps!


I just realized in the first magic misfits book there were hints that Carters uncle Sly may have hit him.
          -In Chapter 1 part Uncle Sly said he wasn't going to hurt Carter but the book added "The man very much intended to hurt Carter."
          -There was another hint were Carter straight up FLINCHED when uncle Sly stood up when he was mad at him and the book even said that Carter was "Expecting the worse".
          -He dug his nails into Carters arm when Mrs. Zalewski is getting Sly some coffee which shows that he seems to be fine with hurting him.
          -He grabbed Carter by the shirt like he was going to hurt him and said "You little-" before a police officer walked by and ended with "-Ball of sunshine! Oh good evening officer!" completely changing his tone so he didn't get in trouble with the police.
          -In the second chapter he straight up shoved Carter into the wall!
          -When Carter was trying to leave uncle Sly pulled him to the ground to try and stop him from getting on the train.
          That's multiple hints that "Uncle" Sly physically hurt Carter. And considering he was trying to get Carter to steal he may have been trying to manipulate him as well! Anyways thats just something I noticed and wanted to point out.




Oops- I meant to do this "- Felix"