
The Heart of the Dragon will be updated with a new name for the protagonist, and a new cover. All the sonic characters, besides humans and some robots will be actual furries instead of the sonic style furries. I'm still in the Sonic fandom, but I'm moving more towards the furry fandom.


The Heart of the Dragon will be updated with a new name for the protagonist, and a new cover. All the sonic characters, besides humans and some robots will be actual furries instead of the sonic style furries. I'm still in the Sonic fandom, but I'm moving more towards the furry fandom.


With the new copyright update I will have to unpublish my books and just use wattpad to read. Sorry for the inconvenience


@-Dat_One_Chick- So I'm not gonna risk it


@-Dat_One_Chick- tried to publish a book and it had said "I acknowledge that this is my work, or I have permission from the original author to post this work. Copyright infringement may result in story deletion or account closure."