
So…erm…hi! Still not sure I’ll ever manage a full size book like I intended for Collision Course, but I’m going to try and put together and share some of the stuff that I’m wrote years ago, especially if it turns out Daniel is no longer racing in F1 by the time I get this done *cries*. Part 1 of the next chapter is now up (chapter 9) with more to follow. 


So…erm…hi! Still not sure I’ll ever manage a full size book like I intended for Collision Course, but I’m going to try and put together and share some of the stuff that I’m wrote years ago, especially if it turns out Daniel is no longer racing in F1 by the time I get this done *cries*. Part 1 of the next chapter is now up (chapter 9) with more to follow. 


Hey guys, so I still have a half written story on here, and a lot of lonely time on my hands...again... :( Struggling a fair bit with life right now but if I tried to get back into writing again would anyone be interested in picking Collision Course back up? 


@Twentysomething pleasee continue with writing this story!! It's really great..


@Twentysomething super late answer, but I also would gladly read it :)
            I hope things have gotten better for you!


@Twentysomething   I would, yes please :) Sorry to hear about your struggles, hope things get better soon :)


So I'd just like you all to know that I AM still here, and still trying to write. Writing has taken a bit of a back seat to painting and 'trying to get out more' lately but I do have more chapters written or at least partly so. Hoping to get something out soon.


Hello, I've written a thing! I'm not sure if it's a very good thing as I haven't previewed it properly but a thing it is!


 You can - it's chapter 4 ;) 


@Twentysomething We´ll have to read it  :)


Just a wee heads up for anyone who might be interested - new story is finally here! I haven't forgotten about Jenson but I ran out of intelligence so you're getting a new one to keep you (and me) going. PS to whoever is still reading Snap Happy: I don't know who you are but 11k reads and still going up so THANK YOU.