
this message may be offensive
          	Im gonna be taking a break, i’ll respond to any notifications i get but  i need w break from writing. I posted smt on my post with a bunch of random shit, kinda giving an “intro” and outro at the same time. It explains enough for why, i was supposed to post it last night byt it never uploaded so i did this morning.


this message may be offensive
          Im gonna be taking a break, i’ll respond to any notifications i get but  i need w break from writing. I posted smt on my post with a bunch of random shit, kinda giving an “intro” and outro at the same time. It explains enough for why, i was supposed to post it last night byt it never uploaded so i did this morning.


Make out session 


are you okay?


@localcreekfan i will dw:) im just well!


mk, if u need someone to talk to, talk to me :)


Im literally so cool i got my friend to draw craig for me 3 times and draw me creek (they took an hour to learn how to draw tweek just for me!!! I <3 them sm /p) and now my online friend is drawing tweek for me a wbf!!! :D im soooo cool guys i swear


@HelpmePLS67 im gonna touch you /p /jk


I was reading creek one shots from 2020… and i uhm… chat what does bro mean “he needed this man to ride his tongue like a rodeo” …
          HELP ME PLEASE




@tabbyjay_1 it was written in 2020 what do you expect?? ALSO IM TRAUMATIZED I READ THE WHOLE THING.


Vent time!!!
          I’m not enough I never will be enough. I try so hard every day to not doubt every aspect of myself and the relationships I’m in with friends, family or my partner. I can’t help, but assume I’m gonna be left one day because I know there are people that have the same personality as me that are nicer and less emotional and just prettier in general, that aren’t as mentally unstable as i am. I doubt how much people care about me I doubt if people actually love me and more specifically I doubt that I’m good enough for the people I date, I assume that they’re gonna find someone better than me, that they’re gonna find someone that’s prettier, same age as them, they can see in person, someone that doesn’t just shut down when one thing they don’t like happens, someone that’s more direct with their feelings, someone that doesn’t doubt how they feel about themself. Because I’m scared my partner doesn’t like me, that our relationship is just out of pity or that they think that they like me but really don’t , people could do one thing differently on how they greet me, say bye/good morning/good night and I will spiral I immediately assume they found someone better, that I’m not enough, that they’re losing interest, they don’t wanna be friends with me, they don’t wanna date me, they wish I wasn’t their family. Any type of abandonment scares me half to death. If I think someone’s gonna leave me I leave before they can because I would rather be the one to leave then go through the pain and having someone else leave me even though when I leave its hurts so much more.


@Tw33k_Tw34k_0nT0P I aint yapping babe you're jst a cutie pie. Also your partner cares about you and part of being in a healthy relationship is opening up to each other, you won't be a burden try talking to them you'll feel much better. Love you <3


this message may be offensive
@MethInTweeksCoffee I'm just scared to open up to my partner because I don't want to burden them. I don't want them to think Doubt them Which I do I doubt If they really do like me I doubt Our relationship I cant go a day without thinking they found someone better. They do one thing differently and I immediately think they're tired of me. I want to open up but I can't Because I'm scared. And if I do. What if they realize I depend on them too much. Or I'm right That I'm not enough for them. They deserve someone better. I mean one thing they say that makes me uncomfortable and I ghost them. I'll read their messages but I don't respond. Because I'm an asshole. And I don't know what you're yapping about because I'm not pretty. I'm Hideous. I'm ugly. I'm a mistake. I'm a mess up. I don't know who I am I don't know who I wanna be. I'm just tired. 
            love you


@Tw33k_Tw34k_0nT0P Look honey, just know I love you so so so so SOOO MUCH and will always want to be your friend no matter what. You are 100% enough and I'm sure your partner thinks so as well, and if they don't they're missing out on a wonderful person. ALSO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ON ABOUT?! YOU ARE DROP DEAD GORGEOUS?!? One of the prettiest I've ever seen/srs. Your partner should be dating you because they love you for you, if they leave you because they found somebody 'better' you're better off without somebody like that in your life, I personally think if you're having doubts about your relationship you should talk to them about it. But if you don't want to you can ALWAYSSSS talk to me. Love you forever! <3


The location ‘your bed’
          I don’t see you??  ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)