
Good morning, good night and good afternoon! I don't know the time of day it is but how are my only 6 followers feeling this fine day or night or afternoon depending on timezones, and also my unawareness of the time of day?


Good morning, good night and good afternoon! I don't know the time of day it is but how are my only 6 followers feeling this fine day or night or afternoon depending on timezones, and also my unawareness of the time of day?


So I’ve been sitting here waiting for the next digi friends chapter to come out, however katt4catt hasn’t updated anything for a long time, specially October 7th sticking to digi friends.
          Either they’re taking a break, on a vacation, locked out of their own account like donutsdiary or the account has died and they’ve made the hike off of wattpad, hopefully it’s not the last one. If it is I have no problem with that to be clear  (magnifying glasses are clear is the joke ik not the time)


@Turtemoji They could’ve just gotten writers block or lost motivation. Think of the extremely long gap between each one of my fic chapters lol


It's the new year 2024 and December 31 2023 I purposefully didn't sleep and just played super mario wonder for shits and giggles, yippie! I'm not tired at all! No seriously I'm not tired


Ok I regret it a little bit


I regret nothing