
Introverts have habits that can birth success if properly honed:
          	- the ability to stay alone without distraction 
          	- analytical skills 
          	- scheduling and planning 
          	- curious/detail oriented 
          	- highly intuitive 
          	These natural instincts of an introvert are  competitive advantages


Introverts have habits that can birth success if properly honed:
          - the ability to stay alone without distraction 
          - analytical skills 
          - scheduling and planning 
          - curious/detail oriented 
          - highly intuitive 
          These natural instincts of an introvert are  competitive advantages


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When introverts start believing in themselves, they become the most focused, powerful, and dangerous people. They can do shit that you can't even imagine. With their intuition to know, curiosity to learn, and obsession to act, they become truly unstoppable.


someone told me; 
          if you love your partner, do not control them. let them be free. and if they truly loves you, they will be loyal to you. stay with you. if they cheats on you when you gave them freedom, surely they're not the right one for you.


@TukangAir7 freedom is over rated laaa..a bit of control doesnt hurt.


Honestly, if a man wants you, you won’t have to ask for effort. He’ll make time, he’ll call you, he’ll text you. Trust me, no man is too busy for a woman he truly wants.


@TukangAir7 yes..true..a man will go all out for a woman he wants...that is until he gets her pussy,then sayonara bebeh...hahaha