
Writer's block has finally loosened its grip on me. I am completely reworking The Crow's call! I have identified issues such as pacing and the way that the side characters were written, but then again, I might change everything about the story itself. I am so excited to make the story better than it was before.


Writer's block has finally loosened its grip on me. I am completely reworking The Crow's call! I have identified issues such as pacing and the way that the side characters were written, but then again, I might change everything about the story itself. I am so excited to make the story better than it was before.


I am happy to announce that Operation One Percent is featured on @StoriesUndiscovered under Light up the Dark | Horror/Mystery/Thriller !Woohoo!


@DeejayDJ010 I appreciate it thank you!


I have unpublished two of my stories with the intent of making them better. I felt like The Crows Call needed adjusting in the way the story flows and perhaps additional editing and Lifeline needed editing too. Maybe this will help me get unstuck.


@Tsoni1994 I think it will too. Rewriting things opens a whole another storyline. I wish I could have told you in your last post to keep the stories published and just rewrite them. And when your done rewriting, post it. But happy writing to you! A new adventure awaits!


I am seriously considering unpublishing my stories, and re-writing them all over again. Is this a good idea?


@Tsoni1994 I promise you, I highly appreciate you too. We got each other’s back for both stories and conversations when we need to talk about things. And you’re one of faves too c:


@SiljeWrites I am sorry I missed out on replying to this but wow! Your motivational messages really never fail to make me feel touched! I hope you know how much I appreciate knowing you ! You are one of my favorite people on here :) 


Sorry for my spelling mistakes. I’m sick and saw a few confusing sentences right there x)


Hey peeps, I haven't been as active as I used to be. Creativity has temporarily abandoned me it seems. It said it would go buy milk and hasn't come back since. Anyways, I eagerly wait for its return.


@Tsoni1994 Me too! You can always message me if you want to talk ideas. Take care and hopefully talk soon!


@RyanGibbons56 Ah man, I miss them too! It was so very fun and your comments never failed to crack me up. I hope those moments will come back!


Things seem to be getting worse and worse for Gaza. I can’t believe that the world leaders and some ordinary citizens are okay with what is playing out in front of their very own eyes. Don’t these people have children of their own? Don’t these people have humanity in their hearts at all or is that reserved only for white people? And the fact that Israeli propaganda resort to blatant lies to try and justify absolute atrocities done in Gaza is something that leaves me boiling with rage. 
          Please educate yourself on this issue! Please don’t be silent! Our voices are what makes a difference and even if I lose my profile or my work for speaking the truth then so be it. But I and people like me are not going to be silenced. People like me that know that Palestinians deserve freedom. They deserve to hear bird songs instead of grenades blowing up. They deserve to rejoice at rain without the fear of it being toxic due to white phosphorus. 
          Free Palestine  


@Tsoni1994 Absolutely!!!! We can't be silent about this!


Pray for Gaza. They only have us to be their voices now, as Israel knocked out the internet and communications, cutting off the territory's residents from contact with the outside world. Israel doesn't want us to see what we already know, that they are committing genocide and they are bombing Gaza relentlessly. We will not be silenced.


@Tsoni1994 We need to make our voices heard! @pauljohnnelson Facts.


@pauljohnnelson I couldn’t have said it better myself Paul. And we can’t do anything beyond the  boycott of the brands in support of Israel and protest. I hate this feeling of helplessness that haunts me. Injustice and terror are being played out in front of our very own eyes and all we can do is watch and talk about it. 


I don’t need to read any fictional dystopian horror. The reality is unblinkingly staring back at me. Apartheid. Murder. Ethnic cleansing. Genocide. 1.4 million people displaced. Nuremberg truly meant nothing 


Hi! How are you?
          I was wondering, if you're taking any reading requests, I'd really appreciate it if you can take the time to support my new short story:D
          I hope you enjoy ❤️ pls vote and comment too ✨ 


OOP has reached 3k reads~! woohoo


Thank you both !! 




Free Palestine  


@jftbadd From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!!


@Sabrina-J-Osman I feel so goddamn helpless and my heart is breaking...All those innocent lives were taken, and I too have cried. My soul is weeping for them.