
Looking for well-run awards? Check out the annual Pride Awards! Hosted by the @FreeTheLGBT profile, this contest is aimed at showcasing stories that feature positive queer rep. 
          	The community also runs a laid-back book club and Discord server, so make sure you check those out if you're looking for fun ways to network with other writers <3


Looking for well-run awards? Check out the annual Pride Awards! Hosted by the @FreeTheLGBT profile, this contest is aimed at showcasing stories that feature positive queer rep. 

          The community also runs a laid-back book club and Discord server, so make sure you check those out if you're looking for fun ways to network with other writers <3


Hi everyone,
          As many of you have seen, Wattpad is getting rid of its private messaging feature (DMs) on May 6th. This means that instead of notifying authors through DMs when we've added one of their stories to our reading lists or when we'd like to request an interview, we will be shifting to reaching out on authors' message boards. Depending on how this works out going forward, we may also use other methods such as Discord.
          It'll take a while to get used to losing this particular feature, but rest assured we're not going anywhere. As always, feel free to let us know if there are any ways you think we could better serve our community. In the meantime, stay awesome!


The mentors at the @bootcampmentors  have been announced for the 8 Chapter Challenge mentoring session!   Check out the Mentor Availability chapter to learn who is participating, then visit their profiles and get to know these writers. 
          The submission window is from April 21-24. On April 20, 2024, @bootcampmentors will be hosting the Ask-a-Mentee event on Discord, so make sure you check that out! 
          Here's the link to their Discord server:
          Here's their Session One Mentor List:


Happy International Asexuality Day, everyone! For those who don't know, International Asexuality Day (IAD for short) is a worldwide campaign centered on promoting awareness and acceptance of people under the asexual umbrella that takes place on April 6th every year. The four themes of IAD are:
          - Advocacy
          - Celebration
          - Education
          - Solidarity
          In honor of IAD, we would absolutely love to hear about your favorite story featuring one or more characters under the asexual umbrella. Make sure you tag the author to spread the love!


@TripleACommunity happy to be a part of this community 


Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week, everyone! For those who don't know, Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW for short) is an annual, international event meant to spread awareness and acceptance of people on the aromantic spectrum. The event was first recognized in November 2014 as Aromantic Awareness week, but has since change its name to be more inclusive of the full aromantic spectrum and is now held on the first full week following Valentine's Day.
          We'd love to hear all about your favorite stories featuring aro-spec characters! Make sure you tag the author to spread the love <3


@TripleACommunity — Gianna, the MC in my Hot Potato, is a full-blown aromantic.


For this month's interview, we talked to @OwlieCat about Stolen Sign, which began as an entry into the Open Novella Contest before eventually becoming a Wattpad Original!

          Best of luck to everyone participating in this year's Open Novella Contest! For those who don't know, the Open Novella Contest (ONC) is an annual contest where participants write a novella between 20K and 40K words long within the timeline provided. The prompts just dropped this morning, so make sure you check them out on the @OpenNovellaContest profile!

          Are you planning to participate this year? We'd love to hear about it!


@TripleACommunity I am planning to participate! ((: 