
I've got a treat for y'all. I've got some pictures of Kai (currently younger and older), lilabell, the dragons from his visions, and the guy he just seen his one of his dreams 


It's been way too long. I've been dealing with a lot guys haha. Dealing with a loss in the family, emotions, and also just work getting in the way, I have a vacation this week and I plan on writing more. I've had so many ideas for the book different directions i want to take it. And I am excited to say, I have started and near finished chapter 2. I'll be posting chapter 2 either today or tomorrow  sorry for the long wait.


So for those who are following, I've had a lot of stress which is why it took me forever to update. I used my mother's funeral yesterday. I hope to post chapter 2 soon. I've been working on it. And I hope the story takes a very interesting turn for some of you  with love, Devin.