
Read this beautiful story of illusions... 



@TrilogyPublishers thank you so much. That means a lot. I will try read your creation as well.


@NonCholli ofcourse and if you like my story plots. Try to take a look


I gotta say, your book "Midnight Love" had me hooked from start to finish! I could feel all the emotions pouring through every word.
          Talking about the plot twist, when he said, "All the story was fake" added an unexpected layer of complexity to the story. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I was actually buying into his love-at-first-sight story.
          And that ending, oh my goodness! It was so emotional. The letter she left behind, expressing the desire to make their fantasy world a reality, was so heartfelt. They didn't even know each other's names, just like us readers. It's a reminder that life is too short to wait around. We gotta seize the moment and chase our dreams and desires.
          That image of him sitting on the ledge, watching the sunset, and imagining her right there beside him, it was so powerful and evocative.
          I wanted to criticize and find mistakes, but honestly, I couldn't find any. It was absolutely perfect as a short story! It was such a nice story annayya!
          Author, you've got some serious talent in writing. Your ability to evoke emotions and create such vivid characters is truly admirable. I was completely immersed in that story. Keep writing and sharing your incredible stories with the world. I can't wait to read more of the captivating stories you have in store.


@Itshikha ohh thankyou for your words... I was overwhelmed by your words