
Happy Pride month!!! ❤️


You know the world sometimes just crashes in on you and it kind of takes over your whole life while you deal with it? Yeah, that’s been happening a lot. I won’t get into the nitty gritty details, but it’s been rough. 
          However! Things seem to be looking up! I’m hoping to get back to writing in a week or two (and have at least one new chapter out by Thanksgiving). 
          In the meantime if you could all help me out motivation-wise I’d really appreciate it. All I ask is that you reply to this or comment on your favorite part of anything I’ve written and (if you feel comfortable) share why you like it. I’d also love suggestions and ideas for moments or interactions to include in the future (you will of course be credited). 
          Thank you loves, you don’t know how much I appreciate all of you! 


@satmage I missed you all too!


glad to see youre back!! we missed you :)


I’ve just posted a new story! It’s a bunch of one shots I’m doing for the Princess Meets World book. So far there’s only one published but I’m hopeful that this will help me get over my writers block for the actual story. Please read it, comment, vote, let me know what you think!