
Great news: I have found some pictures that I like for the designs for the teachers and students for the school, I am now going to be taking a few days to go over specific traits and what I want these characters to be like!
          	3 “good traits” and 2 “bad traits”


Great news: I have found some pictures that I like for the designs for the teachers and students for the school, I am now going to be taking a few days to go over specific traits and what I want these characters to be like!
          3 “good traits” and 2 “bad traits”


At Ravenwood Academy kids come all across Abess for a chance to become hero's.  Jamie a 16 year old kid is looking for a chance to finally become a hero they have always wanted to be. A story filled with friendship, rivalries, and all of the tension you could want...


I’m making a role-play book for one of my favorite Gacha games: Arknights
          ( takes place one year before the start of the game)


            Haha….its ok, we can just improvise I guess, I’m gonna go create my character now


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Jay: aright….. how the fuck is it still here after three days?
          Watcher: I don’t know… one thing I know I found out is that a dog girl named Doberman is the instructor in that world
          Jay: like a scientific instructor or-
          Watcher: what about combat training?
          Jay: oh….. well, good thing they can’t hear us from the other side of that portal


@TreeBoyReading points at landmine that’s under there feet and points at bigger problem the portals getting bigger also ducks as whip goes out of portal where m1 head would of been to hit jay in the face while dragging him through the portal