
Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be finishing 'Alive". I have been trying every so often to finish the last chapter, I have 1,300 words so far but just can't seem to convey the visual I had for the ending. I also have no motivation to continue the story, as I stopped writing after I graduated high school and have been more into reading. I apologize to the few that were reading and waiting. Maybe if I ever get a random surge of inspiration I could figure out another way to write it, but I would rather not finish the last chapter than post something I'm not happy with and know that it could've been better.


Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be finishing 'Alive". I have been trying every so often to finish the last chapter, I have 1,300 words so far but just can't seem to convey the visual I had for the ending. I also have no motivation to continue the story, as I stopped writing after I graduated high school and have been more into reading. I apologize to the few that were reading and waiting. Maybe if I ever get a random surge of inspiration I could figure out another way to write it, but I would rather not finish the last chapter than post something I'm not happy with and know that it could've been better.


I am so sorry to those of you waiting on an Alive update and those of you patiently waiting for me to finish Alive before starting Breathe Me back up. I moved twice in one month, had a bunch of doctors appointments recently, just got a new job, and now I’m sick so I promise I’m not purposely holding out on you guys. Life is just really busy right now but I will finish Alive, there are under ten chapters left!


@Tragedy_Strikes it's okay!! Take all the time you need, no rush! It will be worth it in the end 


Hey guys so I’m debating if I should republishing both Fear Me and Breathe Me to continue on with the latter. I’d be changing the main characters name and 100% fixing all of the grammar but I’m just throwing it out because I read it over the other night and I still really like the whole story line and plot of it. If I post them back up I will change the characters name before hand and fix the grammar after and in between. Let me know what your opinions are!


@AssbuttMeeMee Thank you hun! It was my second fanfic ever and I was like 14 so while the plot is good its kind of all over the place haha


@Tragedy_Strikes I haven't read either of them, but I would love to!!! I really like your writing and would love to read some of your other stuff too! :)


To those of you who are reading Fear Me, I apologize for the long wait. I had my friend collaborate with me on this upcoming chapter and we typed it out on her computer. Unfortunately, her house no longer has wifi, hence the late issue. I will update as soon as I can and as soon as we figure out how to get the parts of the chapter she helped me with, to me without retyping it all. Thank you for your patience. Xx