
WOW Y'all! Baby Byrd is #1 in age! That was a story I was unsure of writing because I didn't think I could do first person well. Thank you!!!


I just want to take a minute to thank everyone that reads my writing! I appreciate you all so much. I always thought the best part of writing stories would be seeing people buy my books, but I was wrong. I am hooked on writing (because I love it!) and I am hooked on seeing how many people like my stories. THAT is the best part of writing by far!
          No matter what is going on in my life, I know I can come back to see how many people are enjoying what I wrote. There's no better feeling in the world!
          I have started a new story. This one is a little different. What happens when a professional Dominatrix decides she wants to explore her submissive side? Well, let's see, shall we? Please, if you enjoy my writing, like, subscribe, and even comment! Those comments make my day! I have posted the first couple chapters to the new book, TAMING THE MISTRESS. Follow along as these new characters forge paths that lead to heartbreak? love? Who knows! Let's find out together!


I know we're only part way through Unwanted Daddy Book 2, but I'm already toying with some ideas of a new character I might want to write about. I'm thinking maybe she will be a Dominatrix that secretly wants to be a little. would that even play out?
          Anyone with some experience that might want to chime in? I know nothing about Dominatrix's. Is that even a word? See how little I know, lol. I suppose I'll have to do some research. My Daddy benefits greatly when I start going down these research rabbit holes! I don't think he'll ever let me dominate him, though. That's okay. I don't ever see that happening myself. Just the thought sends me into giggles!!


Here's the thing about me...I'm much more spiritual than I am religious. I grew up in a Catholic household and went to Catholic school in my younger years. I was even taught by nuns! Shout out to Sister Mary and Sister Geralda! Mary was awesome! Geralda was placed in an insane asylum the year after I had her for 4th grade. She was one wacked-out bitch! I honestly can't believe they even let her teach us for a full year!
          So, as you can imagine, the Catholic church really did a number on me! LOL. I suppose you can tell from my writing that I'm a little different than most. But we are still doing an easter dinner today because our Nana wants one, and let's face it...who's going to say no to their sweet Nana? Not me!
          Now, as I sit here trying to write a few chapters ahead so I can have the story ready to go while I'm away from home in a couple weeks, (going to be in Washington DC) I'm privately laughing at the difference between what today used to mean to my family, and what it means now.
          While I don't necessarily support treating today in the biblical meaning, I don't have a problem with anyone else that does. To everyone their own, you know what I mean? Anyway, this brings me back to the original purpose of this post. 
          Bobbi is going through some pretty bad stuff at the moment. Her Daddies are some of the scariest men I've ever written about, but even they are going to be finding the next few chapters hard to deal with. I wish I could get this story off of my mind, but I can't. Not even for a day! I think I'll post the next chapter on Thursday, so stay tuned! 
          Have a great Sunday/Easter/Transgender Day of Visibility! I love absolutely every single one of you! You are ALL amazing people and I love to hear from you after you read my stories. You all keep me writing!!!!!!


Tomorrow two more chapters get uploaded, and I'm getting pretty excited! I think the story is going well. This time we are getting a closer inside view of Oliver's life and where he came from. I like his back story, and we will definately be delving deeper into it, but how far? I don't know yet. Probably enough to give us an idea of why he has the attachment with Bobbi and Riggs, but not so much that we don't let him keep a few personal secrets to himself.
          I definitely think Riggs has rubbed off on him, but in a good, sexy, kind of way. And who knows...maybe a few new characters will pop up and make life a little more surprising along the way.
          Anywho... I hope you all are enjoying the journey so far! Until tomorrow morning, have a raunchy, messy, and wonderfully diapered day!!!!


I think UNWANTED DADDY - BOOK 2 is coming along quite nicely! I updated BABY BYRD and it is now complete and free. If you started it in the past, you can now finish Byrd's story. I hope you enjoy her journey!
          As always, I update my stories every weekend. My goal is to post two new chapters and I'm fairly consistent with doing so. If you need a reminder, then simply follow me for updates.
          Have a great weekend fellow readers!!


I am soooo excited! Tomorrow we start the newest journey in the life of your favorite messed-up Princess! I think my favorite part of her is how imperfect she is! My second thought is how much I love the fact Riggs and Oliver don't judge her and regard her issues as off-putting, but instead do everything in their power to help her. If only everyone that's close to us in our lives would be the same way. I'm lucky enough to have people like that, but I've also known others that weren't. 
          Anywho...if you have something that you love about any of the characters, let me know. Maybe I'll try to incorporate it a little more into the storyline. Just remember, perfect is BORING AF! Who would want to read about a perfect Princess with a perfect life with perfect people around her all the time? Not me! lol. So be prepared for this story to highlight more struggles and embrace the imperfections!
          Until tomorrow.....


So I’m wrapping up Baby Byrd’s story and I’ve been thinking about my next writing project. I can either do a completely new tale, OR I can do something that I’ve been seriously toying with. What do y’all think about having a book #2 of UNWANTED DADDY? I’ll be honest, I’ve been missing Bobbi, Riggs, and Oliver! I just feel like I could write about them forever! lol.
          So I suppose the question is this, new or book 2? Either one will be just as good. I promise!!!


If you are having a difficult time finding me on Substack, Patreon, or REAM, I have updated my wattpad page and share links to all three. All of my complete stories are on any of the three listed above. If you still have problems finding me, let me know! Thank you!!!