
I gotta tell you I woke up in a foul mood today but when I found all your votes to my story I actually had a smile on my face


@HabibaEzzat aww, well if it makes you feel even better I enjoyed it a lot. It was a refreshing read and enlightened me on the struggles of those who are Muslim.


I have a book suggestion! I think your style is better than mine for this book, so that's why I'm suggesting. Maybe a book about a secret assasian (is that correct) girl, assigned to kill everyone she falls in love with. But, this girl in particular is too hard to slaughter.


@wonderfuel666 i dont know why I am just seing this but I am totally using this for a book I am currently writing


Me and my friend ItsOwnLeeMe (add an @ symbol to see their wattpad account) made inspirational messages for everyone in the LGBT community. You may have seen them, you may have not. Either way, I'm giving you them. Let me know what you think


Gay= God Accepts You
            Fag= For A Goal
            LGBT= let's go be together
            BI= Be Incredible
            Poly= People Overall Love You
            Nonb= No One Needs Bullies
            Ace= Accepting Community Everywhere
            GENDER= give every nice day ever received
            PHOBIA= people have overcome battles in acceptance
            LOVE= let's overcome violence everyone
            WINS= we instead never surrendered
            THEM= To How Everyone Managed
            Euphoria= everywhere ultimately people have obtained results in acceptance
            Insecure= instead never surrender everyone's care until ready ever
            Dysphoria= does yesterday's suffering people have overcome in acceptance
            Disphoria= don't intend suffering people have options really anyway
            Acceptance= anything can change even people to a new chapter everywhere
            PAN= People Accept Now
            LESBIAN= love everyone's story but in acceptance now
            TRANS=To really accept no-one suffers
            Pride= people rise instead denying everything
            Proud=people rise overall under damage
            Closet= could love or support every time
            Inter= if no trouble everyone's ready
            ALLY= all lives live years
            ARO= all rights offered 
            Gyno= great yesterdays now offered
            Demi= dude everyone must include
            Lith= love in their hearts
            Quee= quick understanding even easier rights
            Biro= but I'm ready overall
            Hetero= hearts eternally thank everyone rather often
            Andro= accept never doubt reason overall
            Phase= people have accepted soon everyone
            Confused= capable of now fully understanding soon everyone's dream
            Homo= hope of more openness
            Omni= often many now include
            Gray= good reasons about you
            Cetero= could everyone thank everyone really often
            Male = make all life exciting
            Female = feel every moment and love exceptionally
            Fluid= For love ultimately is daring
            Hope= Have Only Positive Expectations
            Faith= Feel And Inspire Those Hurting
            Thoughts= Think How Objecting Ultimate Growing up Towards Someone
            Emotions= Even Many Objectives Today Include Objecting Negative Systems
            Rights= Regaining Initial Growth Holding Today's Strength
            Human= Having Unlimited Management And Novelty


          Once you get this award you are supposed to copy and paste it onto 8 peoples message board. If you do break the chain, nothing happens. Yet its nice to know that someone thinks your beautiful inside and out.


O my frickin frick I love your story "Love Wins." It is everything. Keep writing, you are making people smile.


@team_b1nk You have no Idea how much I appreciate this.Thank You.