
this message may be offensive
Since no one's reading this shit anyway imma take a moment to rant. I genuinely don't get why we as a human race only want what we can't have. And by human race I mean me. I have so many really good friends that it surprises me even today how I have them in my life because I'm super introverted and have misanthropic tendencies. And they aren't just any friends. They are all really good ones. They really care about me. But at the end of the day my brain decides to make me feel extremely shitty about that one person who left me. Like I feel good about myself for once and boom. I get to know somehow that this person who used to be close to me, is enjoying with other people after completely ghosting and ditching me. I mean it's not like I was clingy and needy. They love bombed me several times and then fucked off randomly one day and now I'm sitting here. 18 yr old on wattpad ranting on the message board because I feel physical pain from this. More than anything I hate myself in this situation because I shouldn't be feeling bad about an asshole who did this to me but I am. Anyway. I did a double update so check it out if you want to. 


this message may be offensive
Since no one's reading this shit anyway imma take a moment to rant. I genuinely don't get why we as a human race only want what we can't have. And by human race I mean me. I have so many really good friends that it surprises me even today how I have them in my life because I'm super introverted and have misanthropic tendencies. And they aren't just any friends. They are all really good ones. They really care about me. But at the end of the day my brain decides to make me feel extremely shitty about that one person who left me. Like I feel good about myself for once and boom. I get to know somehow that this person who used to be close to me, is enjoying with other people after completely ghosting and ditching me. I mean it's not like I was clingy and needy. They love bombed me several times and then fucked off randomly one day and now I'm sitting here. 18 yr old on wattpad ranting on the message board because I feel physical pain from this. More than anything I hate myself in this situation because I shouldn't be feeling bad about an asshole who did this to me but I am. Anyway. I did a double update so check it out if you want to. 


Y'all wattpad was being an ass. Glitched terribly until I copied all 52 chapters into my notes one by one (It took 45 minutes) and logged out and logged back in to publish a new chapter because it wasn't letting me do so. Didn't give me any notifications either. Don't know since when it's been glitching cuz I've been caught up with university stuff. Speaking of which I managed to get 9.11 gpa in my first semester so I no longer believe I'm stupid and hopeless. (I didn't know it was this easy lol). But yeah that summer depression be hitting hard. Anyway check out my new update. Byeee. (Also how y'all doin?) 


Ayyo, it's been a long while since I talked to anyone on Wattpad and I kinda missed you eek. How have you been? <3


Funking end sems this week, it's hectic but gotta get through it. Math is hard though.


@holy_hobi_h20 heyyy. Just funked up a math test and came home. How have you been? 


Another update on my story. Also letting y'all know I have pre written chapters from this point on that I simply need to edit so there will be regular updates. However I have adhd so I forget this app exists. I only remembered today because I was watching ultimate spiderman and thought of spideypool and then thought that maybe I should read spideypool fanfiction. And then I thought of wattpad and remembered I had to update. So just keep the comments active as much as possible so that my notifications remind my lazy ass to update. 


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Double update today. It's 5:30 am here and my sleep cycle is fucked. It's been a month since I'm off prozac and it's comparatively okay other than the soul sucking loneliness. Anyway check out the new chapters. I have no clue why I'm doing this anymore. My writing makes me cringe.