
Chapter Three of Scouts' Dragon is now available for anyone who fancies meeting the dashing Captain Antarios, and the Scouts' two NCO's Corporals Sparrow and Planque.
          	Quite a bit of background exposition, and character building in this chapter as the three men patrol the market in the heat of the summer sun.
          	Hope you enjoy...


Chapter Three of Scouts' Dragon is now available for anyone who fancies meeting the dashing Captain Antarios, and the Scouts' two NCO's Corporals Sparrow and Planque.
          Quite a bit of background exposition, and character building in this chapter as the three men patrol the market in the heat of the summer sun.
          Hope you enjoy...


@Tommo1969 Welcome to Wattpad, Tommo, aka Andrew. You sound like a prolific writer, someone an amateur writer like me, can learn from. I am looking forward to reading your book in due time. In the meantime, have fun Wattpadding. XD


I'm so sorry for not replying sooner to your lovely welcome message.
            For some reason I've only just been able to see it...
            I hope you don't think I was being rude or ignoring you.
            Thank you very much for your nice words, and if I could ever be of help, please don't be afraid to ask.
            I realised very quickly that I am not the usual age group for Wattpad, but I enjoy seeing younger people being so passionate about writing and being (mostly) very supportive of one another.
            My writing is pretty old school fantasy adventure, swords and sorcery, so if you ever feel like giving me feedback from your point of view I'd be grateful.
            When I get some time this evening (I'm in the UK) I'll have a read of some of your work and let you know what I think.


Welcome to Wattpad! :) Your 'about me' has definitely piqued my interest, and I'm looking forward to reading your works when I get the chance. Best of luck


Yeah, it's that sort of thing, except not as funny... Lots of different focal points rather than trying to squeeze the life out of one MC over and over again... I also enjoy having MC's from one story walk past and buy a drink in another without then becoming embroiled in the tale.


Oh, that sounds cool. Something with a kind of Discworld idea to it. I'll look out for them.


Thank you for your interest. What I tend to do is write a couple of shorts, and if I like the characters, build them into larger plots for the novels. Nicairius, for example plays quite a role in the first full length book, "Scouts' Dragon" which I'm just tidying the third draft of, (I THINK, I'm just about happy with it...)