
Rindu suasana wattpad. First time menulis tahun 2017. Now dah 2022. Dah bertahun. Last menulis full novel rasanya 2018. Lepastu 2020 macam ada short story. Hahaha.
          	Banyak sangat benda yang jadi. Dari 2019 sampai sekarang. Tapi 2022, tahun ni, paling berat dugaan. 
          	2019, i was diagnosed with mental illness. That why I've been away for god know how long. Rindu sangat nak menulis. I even convince myself to write and all..
          	None of that work. 
          	I'm sorry to those that still waiting for my story, still waiting for me to come back..
          	Maybe one day, one fine day.
          	2020, I've lost someone I didn't want to mention, and I lost my job due to my unstable mental state.
          	Dan tahun 2022, I've lost my abilities to walk for almost four and half months. Sampai sekarang, masih juga tak boleh berlari. Jalan dah boleh, cuma kelakar laa, hehee. Slowly kan..?
          	Actually, awal tahun, 13 Januari 2022, I've been in an accident. Teruk tak? Hummm... Peha kanan patah, masuk besi dari pinggul pergi ke lutut. Bahu kiri pecah, masuk laa skru. Terlantar sebulan, kerusi roda dua bulan, tongkat sebulan, now dah berjalan.
          	Tak la teruk sangat, but it's change so many things in my life. Dah mula belajar lebih hargai orang keliling, lebih hargai masa, and of course, bertambah tambah fall in love deep and deeply with my lovely partner.
          	Maybe I'll not be around much, like old days. But I still read you guys punya dm. Just kadang tu it's kinda hard nak membalas. 
          	And I'm sorry for everything..
          	Thank you for you guys punya support. It's mean so much for me. 
          	Oh yeah,
          	I have Instagram : @along_zaff
          	Twitter : @zaff_93
          	Do dm if ada request to follow.
          	Till then,


@zchra20 Woahhh. Really? Terharunya..sobs sobss.. thanks tauu


@TomMarvolloRiddle get well soon. been following you since highschool. 


Rindu suasana wattpad. First time menulis tahun 2017. Now dah 2022. Dah bertahun. Last menulis full novel rasanya 2018. Lepastu 2020 macam ada short story. Hahaha.
          Banyak sangat benda yang jadi. Dari 2019 sampai sekarang. Tapi 2022, tahun ni, paling berat dugaan. 
          2019, i was diagnosed with mental illness. That why I've been away for god know how long. Rindu sangat nak menulis. I even convince myself to write and all..
          None of that work. 
          I'm sorry to those that still waiting for my story, still waiting for me to come back..
          Maybe one day, one fine day.
          2020, I've lost someone I didn't want to mention, and I lost my job due to my unstable mental state.
          Dan tahun 2022, I've lost my abilities to walk for almost four and half months. Sampai sekarang, masih juga tak boleh berlari. Jalan dah boleh, cuma kelakar laa, hehee. Slowly kan..?
          Actually, awal tahun, 13 Januari 2022, I've been in an accident. Teruk tak? Hummm... Peha kanan patah, masuk besi dari pinggul pergi ke lutut. Bahu kiri pecah, masuk laa skru. Terlantar sebulan, kerusi roda dua bulan, tongkat sebulan, now dah berjalan.
          Tak la teruk sangat, but it's change so many things in my life. Dah mula belajar lebih hargai orang keliling, lebih hargai masa, and of course, bertambah tambah fall in love deep and deeply with my lovely partner.
          Maybe I'll not be around much, like old days. But I still read you guys punya dm. Just kadang tu it's kinda hard nak membalas. 
          And I'm sorry for everything..
          Thank you for you guys punya support. It's mean so much for me. 
          Oh yeah,
          I have Instagram : @along_zaff
          Twitter : @zaff_93
          Do dm if ada request to follow.
          Till then,


@zchra20 Woahhh. Really? Terharunya..sobs sobss.. thanks tauu


@TomMarvolloRiddle get well soon. been following you since highschool. 


Saya dapat request untuk tulis story baru. Kira cabaran buat saya lepas setahun ke dua tahun berehat dari dunia penulisan. Rasanya skill menulis pun dah berkarat. Tapi request ni dari someone special, huhu. Korang rasa saya boleh ke menulis balik ni?


@TomMarvolloRiddle mesti lh boleh. I excited nk baca!! 


@TomMarvolloRiddle Nnt cite jgn singgah mne2 rnr tau...nnt sesat x jmp jln... heheheheh


@redperred hahahaha will do! Terima kasih yaa




Aku bosan. Aku tulis cerita pendek. Rajin pi ah jenguk. Oke tu ja. 


@TomMarvolloRiddle syuKur ALg mc WuJud   hahahahaha. 


@NA_NABH mari mari. Oi lama tak nampak. Tukar number ke


@escapeangles hai awakk hehehe, wujud ja nii


Gais. Hai. Aaaaa.... Rajin jenguklah, cerita baru ni huhu