
Why does it have to be so hard writing smut scenes D: I have badddd writers block for this and have been trying to get ideas for it since last night and I have no idea what to dooo


Uhhh so I forgot about updating today so the next update will probably be sometime around 3am tn LMAOO SO SORRY EVB!! But you’ll like this next chapter cause it’ll be spicy :P 


@Ihurry So sorryyy it was an accident while I was going over and revising it T.T It’ll be out soon I promise!


@Tofuu_foodies I got the notification abt a new chapter but I don’t see the chapter


Lowkey have writers block right now but the next chapter of ‘Blue and Red Go Together’ should be uploaded by tomorrow. I gotta push myself to upload now while I’m still motivated cause if I don’t then there probably won’t be another update until next month or even longer T.T


@Ihurry Hehe thanks youssss <3


@Tofuu_foodies take your time  I can’t wait to read more of your writing 


Book two of Strangers with benefits will be coming out sooon!!! Tysm for so many views on the first book, I wasn’t expecting it to get so far ! It seems like everyone loves it and I’ve been seeing comments about making another book, sooo that’s exactly what I will be doing :D You guys will be in for a treat as there will be so many cute scenes involved, along with an adorable plot! Of course we have to have a little drama involved too but ykkkk, I’ll see what I can do! But other than that, thank you soooo so much for all the support I’ve been getting <3 (IM DOING THIS FOR YOU GUYS!)


@Pari299 Hehe, thank youuuu and it’s okay dw abt itt lol 


Ohh yayyy
            U can’t wait
            Good luck!!


Sooo like !! I don’t know if any of my readers on ‘Strangers With Benefits’ have been waiting for me to update on that Epilogue, BUT!! I’ve been trying.. It’s just loss in motivation and everytime I click on the chapter to finish editing it I be like “Just finish it.. It’s the last chapter for good and they you won’t have to work on it anymore.” But I always back out !!! Btw there’s a smut scene and THAT’S THE PART IM STUCK ON LMFAOOAOA, though, I keep starting and working on different stories and I’m getting annoyed with myself because I don’t finish any of them T.T Nah but frl tho, I’m not sure when I’ll be posting the Epilogue but when I do I hope you guys read and enjoy it! ALSO TYSM FOR 6K READS!? I LOVE YOU GUYS TOOOOOOO MUCH AND TY FOR THE SUPPORT!! TY FOR LEAVING COMMENTS AND VOTING LIKE IT MEANS SM TO ME!!


@rizzardofoz813 Yesss ty for telling me this I really needed to hear it, I’m glad someone can relate !!


I feel you!!im working on the redo of one of my stories and im halfway through a chapter and im just like “well…it COULD wait”  take your time and write when you feel like writing. If you force yourself to write the writing won’t be as good for when you wanted to write


You guysss, I decided to give ‘Strangers with Benefits’ a new cover because the first one was not it :p It looks sm better now right? I think I’m going to keep it like that but if not then best believe it’ll be better the next time I change it :D


Guysss I have nooooo clue when the next time is that I will be updating Strangers with benefits. 2 CHAPTERS LEFT AND IM TAKING A BREAK AGAIN!? Ik ik I’m insane. I keep saying 2 chapters left but it’s really 1 and then the Epilogue but I’m thinking about making the Epilogue and posting it weeks after the story is over just so that everyone can take in the actual ending of the story, I honestly don’t know how I’m going to end the story T.T Just put your trust in me guys! I’ll try to brainstorm tonight and then during the weekend I might start typing up whatever comes to mind but as of right now my brain is empty, gotta take a break I hope you all understandddd!! AND OMG TYSM FOR ALMOST 2K READS LIKE IM LITERALLY SO CLOSE TO IT I CANNOT THANK YOU GUYS ENOUGH. I cried when I got to 1k like ;) Y’all my motivation frl !! Alright I’m chattering a lot rn BUT IF YOU GUYS READ ALL OF THIS TYSM AND I LOVE YOU GUYZZZ!!!!!!