
Ok so I know a lot of my followers read My Bakugo x OC story. I recently update an another of my books where I put randoms stuff with another idea for a MHA fanfiction. It's an UA fantasy world so if you want give a try here the link. 
          	Ok je sais que beaucoup des gens qui me suivent lisent mon histoire Bakugo x OC. J'ai récemment mis à jour un autre de mes livres où je poste des trucs randoms avec une idée pour une autre fanfic MHA. Ce serait dans un univers alternatif, plutôt fantaisie et conte de fée si vous voulez voir ce que ça donne voila le lien : 


Ok so I know a lot of my followers read My Bakugo x OC story. I recently update an another of my books where I put randoms stuff with another idea for a MHA fanfiction. It's an UA fantasy world so if you want give a try here the link. 

          Ok je sais que beaucoup des gens qui me suivent lisent mon histoire Bakugo x OC. J'ai récemment mis à jour un autre de mes livres où je poste des trucs randoms avec une idée pour une autre fanfic MHA. Ce serait dans un univers alternatif, plutôt fantaisie et conte de fée si vous voulez voir ce que ça donne voila le lien : 


this message may be offensive
Ok so time for a little confession. 
          A lot of people who know me in real life can confirm that Bakugo is my favourite character. 
          It's because I relate to him in so many ways. 
          First : I don't really show my emotions so people won't see me as someone weak. 
          Two : I don't really have the best relationship with my parents. I barely talk with my mother about my life or anything else. When she talk to me, it's mostly because I messed something or to tell me that I need to grow up. Rarely to joke or talk about anything with me. But it's getting better with time.
          Three : Classmates/"friends" and my brothers can relate : I always use verbal violence, but uses humor to talk about things that you can call ✨trauma✨. 
          Four : I always end up blaming myself for things that I can't control or wasn't even my fault. 
          I overthink a lot. Maybe all day, to be honest. And I think that why I can't really sleep well at night. That's why I always have my headphones on and ignore the world. 
          I also have a lot of days when I have a fuck!ng gender dysphoria. I wake up, feeling like a guy trapped in a girl body, who have to deal with everyone misgendering me and calling me by the name my parents gave to their little daughter. 
          That's not me. Well not really. I'm still this little girl in a corner of my head, but most of the time I'm Hades. A guy or sometime, a non-binary person. I'm not her anymore. It's He/She/They.
          If you read this I don't care what you think of me. I just gonna live my life like I want. And if you feel uncomfortable about that, well f#ck off. 


Il est 4 heures 07 du matin. Tous ceux avec qui je veux parler sont en train de dormir. Je me fais chier. J'ai encore mon maquillage Halloween. J'ai pas envie de dormir.
          Oui ce message sert à rien mais j'avais envie que vous le sachiez. 


Euh.... Bonjour ? 
          Je vais allé lire t'est livre je pense 


@ Foufit  Euh bah non je suis pas du chocolat....


@ Mephisto_phel_s  Toby c'est l'amour de ma vie °^°


@ Foufit  Tobi est triste tu reconnais pas Tobi