
Having a name is wild 
          	Idek why I bother


So if someone yippees you must yippee back you have to atleast I have to or I'll just implode so I just remembered a time when I was talking dont know th c ok next or anything just know I was taking and my brother just yippees yknow just a noramal yippee and I respond but then he decides to yippee and I respond so I think he realized that I'll keep responding so he keeps yippee-ing and as I yippee back I get more distressed with my responses and it just gets more frantic anyways that's fun if somone yippee I'll respond irl out loud no matter what and it can be quite annoying but still gotta yippee back


I've finally been able to process and accept the fact that I can be really into to things at once and dont have to choose between the two so that's cool still horrified of losing interest in one of them because of the other though


I've thought more aka I havent thought more but my option stays the same I either have no interest (usually only for a short while) or a singular one interests


Nvm I cant have multiple interests its impossible I've decided hope i get my other interests back soon though