Hello author I don't know if you visit this page anymore but I just want to leave a message that two of your old milex fics had deeply resonated with me when I was younger. One of them was Telepathy and the other was a war au, i think. In my humble opinion, they were masterpieces.
one of the lines that stood out to me and I still remember to this day is when alex was confessing his love for milex to his fiancé in a letter. He said his love for one doesn't replace the other and answered something along the lines of "infact my heart has grown twice in size accommodating my love for your both." it's just so raw and genuine, fitting with alex's character in the story.
ans believe me when i say I still see scenes i imagined when i was reading your fics at that time in my dreams to this present day.
i understand why you deleted your fics and that you're uncomfortable leaving behind your traces with a fandom you no longer deeply resonate with.
but but but i my humble opinion as a reader, it'd be very cool, scrape that, extra f cking awesome!1!! if you could re-upload them again :D
if you think my opinion is invalid, you may kindly ignore:(
here's my tumblr