
I need good book recommendations stat


@Toastdurr Underdog (Pokémon fanfic) by DachshundPiano is by far my favourite book ever I think you would love it sooooo much, and BTW I laughed and CRIED at this book please read it. DachshundPiano did start a sequel called under the radar but didn't do more than a few chapters before stopping. So yeah please do read underdog.


I need good book recommendations stat


@Toastdurr Underdog (Pokémon fanfic) by DachshundPiano is by far my favourite book ever I think you would love it sooooo much, and BTW I laughed and CRIED at this book please read it. DachshundPiano did start a sequel called under the radar but didn't do more than a few chapters before stopping. So yeah please do read underdog.


somebody please recommend some good wattpad stories
          I'm dying over here
          ALSO humour 2 is on the way. I've written a prologue and will probably put it up within the hour
          the real story will start as soon as I can get my grubby little mitts on an Alpha Sapphire. wink wink, hint hint.