
this message may be offensive
i sent this to you on Quotev as well
          i know you’ll never end up seeing this since you’re rarely on here, but i’m tired of being ignored and jealous of your relationships with other people. i see you in choir and Science everywhere else laughing and talking and having more fun with both Rachel’s than me. i get that i shouldn’t be jealous and wanting you all to myself to only be my friend, i know that it’s important to let you go do your own things too. but every time you laugh and have fun with them, and you barely talk to me anymore, it kinda hurts. i’d say it to your face, but you know how i am. i don’t like confrontation or talking about my feelings very much, plus i’m worried that you’d think im being a possessive and/or annoying little shit. if you see me in the hall or wherever, and i seem upset, please don’t ask if im okay. just hug me i guess. if im being honest, it feels a bit uncomfortable when you ask if im okay. im sorry about this message, i just needed to get it off my chest somehow.