
After a long, long time I have finally had the motivation and time to start writing again. I have just updated Creators and am looking at adding some more chapters to Secret Hidden Box so please look out for it. Thxs :)


After a long, long time I have finally had the motivation and time to start writing again. I have just updated Creators and am looking at adding some more chapters to Secret Hidden Box so please look out for it. Thxs :)


Hey! You’re awesome! Thank you so much for adding “Get Lit” and “This Crappy Life” to your reading list. I hope you enjoy them. Oh, and I just started sequels to both books.
          I also have a reverse harem paranormal high school romance called “Highborn.” Who knows? You might like it too.☺️


@TinyMons3 Thank you❤️❤️❤️


@EmmaIsaac you're welcome. I'll check it out!