
Hello everyone!
          	I wish you all Happy Holidays!
          	I am going to be going back to Wales for a few days starting tomorrow to see my family, due to a member of my family having recently developed poor health, making them potentially unable to take care of my great grandmother, so my grandparents can come to see us in Halberton.
          	I hope you all continue to be as healthy as possible, I hope the holidays are kind to you and your loved ones, and I hope 2024 will be a better year.
          	See you all in 2024!


Hello everyone!
          I wish you all Happy Holidays!
          I am going to be going back to Wales for a few days starting tomorrow to see my family, due to a member of my family having recently developed poor health, making them potentially unable to take care of my great grandmother, so my grandparents can come to see us in Halberton.
          I hope you all continue to be as healthy as possible, I hope the holidays are kind to you and your loved ones, and I hope 2024 will be a better year.
          See you all in 2024!


Hey guys,
          Just a small update. I want you to think of my great-grandmother right now, Betty Giles.
          She is currently in the hospital with a lung infection, a water infection and pneumonia.
          She was in the hospital last year for a water infection and issues in her legs, and she was there for about three months.
          We are a little worried as she has had issues with her lungs in the past, and last time, we were rather concerned as the doctors never really made a real effort to help her to optimal health, just minimal, not even enough to be considered well enough to go home.
          Of course, this has to do with how health care works in the UK, but if she could not even get up the stairs to go to the bathroom, she should not be home, and my grandmother should not be forced to accommodate if she does not want to, or does not have the resources to take care of her full time.
          Overall, I am sending my love to her right now.
          It is also harder, as my mother and I can't just drop everything to visit her in Wales.
          My Mum is working very hard every weekday, and we are currently hoping to visit once a weekend or so, as we will not have to worry about my mum's work, and with me applying for part-time jobs now, dropping a shift will not be easy, especially as I need some money, not much, but I want to be able to save up some money.
          Just a small update, and a bit of a rant as well, but I hope you are all doing well, and I continue to hope you are staying safe.


Hey everyone!
          I know I haven't updated you recently, but moving before Christmas and having University on top of it was a little stressful, we are now in the house and loving it.
          I have tried to be diligent about university, and so far, this year has been a success, and my final assignment is now coming up.
          I have also been secretly working on more stories, none I am releasing yet, but I am working hard when I have found free time in University.
          I am planning on uploading another chapter of 'Tales of the Night' soon, but I still need to refine it before I post it. I also still have to do Zombies 3, I have started to work on it, but I have just worked on 'Alian Invasion' so far.
          I have also been working on a new Harry Potter book, and I am planning on including some LGBTQ+ characters, including someone who is trans. Nothing is set in stone yet, and I have need even written anything including this person, but I like the idea and I really want to do it.
          I have been thinking about it in the laws of the story, plot-wise I mean, and I think it can make it work, and I am excited to see what you think about it once I start posting the chapters. But this is still quite far away, I still haven't gotten past the Gringots trip in full detail.
          Another thing to add, I am planning on getting a part-time job soon, as I need to get some work experience. I am planning on applying to the Texco close to the cottage, and it would entail working in the O2 department in the shop.
          But, I have not applied to it yet, and I would like it, but know, it would not stop me from doing stories. The plan is that I would work about 12 hours a week when I am studying for University, but during the summer I would put in more hours.
          That is all everyone.
          This is a bigger update, as I have been absent (absenog) for around five months now, but I have been doing a fair bit behind the scenes.
           I hope you are all doing well, hope you all stay healthy, and stay positive.
          See you soon!


Hey guys.
          If you live in the Vale of Glamorgan, make sure you check out Love the Vale Day on Bro Radio.
          I may be on there later, talking about all the things my group, the Youth Forum is up to, along with many other organisations within the community.


Hey guys.
          Another announcement for you.
          If you did not read the announcement from Friday, I have COVID. This is basically a update for all of you.
          First of all, I feel a lot better. I am not one hundred percent, but I am on my way to it.
          Saturday and Sunday I felt as though I was experiencing s very bad cold, put together with my period, which I am on right now.
          If I had not taken a test on Friday, it probably would have not occurred to me that I have COVID, but I am glad I did take the test.
          I have stayed in my bedroom since Friday afternoon, only leaving to go to the bathroom, while wearing a mask and sanitising my hands.
          I will say, I have been quite bored since this started. Friday was the longest day, ironically, even though I was only in isolation since Friday afternoon.
          I was sneezing a lot on Saturday and Sunday, as well as blowing my nose. I went through about two rolls of toilet paper in about two days, and am half way through a third.
          Currently, I feel much better. I am still testing positive, but I feel much better.
          A cough is still there, but not as bad as it has been, I think.
          My throat also doesn’t feel as clogged up, which my father noticed when I talked with him a few minutes ago.
          I do currently have my voice back, which is great. It has been gone for three days, and it shows that I am slowly getting better.
          Know that my symptoms are like this as I had the vaccines. I honestly had no idea if I was a-systematic, so the experience for future is good, if you all understand what I mean.
          At the moment I do want to get back to some normal.
          University started for me officially on the first, and I have an assignment due on the first of November, and I want to finish it as soon as possible. 
          But I am thankful I took the annotative to study in advance.
          Okay, going to do some reading.
          So you all later!


Hey guys.
          I wanted to make a small announcement for all of you.
          First of all, my parents and my conformation date for moving is coming up, and I am getting rather excited.
          But, I have taken a rapid flow test today, and I have COVID-19.
          I have been fairly safe recently, but I have it.
          I just really want to make a announce to about this, for my experience so far.
          I felt really run down yesterday. In the morning, I felt as though I had flem caught in the back of my mouth, that would not move at all.
          My throat was very sore.
          After I got back from my shift from work, I felt so tired that I slept for three hours before I ate with my father.
          I don’t know where I got it. My father pointed out that I could have gotten it from Barry Pride, which I went to on Saturday, but I doubt it was from there.
          One place I am positive of, is from my step-Nan on my father’s side. She got COVID in the hospital, and I worked with my grandfather. Also on my father’s side.
          I hope you all are staying safe. My parents are being safe right now, as my father is starting a new job on Monday, and I understand it.
          Please, know covid is still deadly, even with the vaccines. I have three vaccines, and I still have it now.
          Please, stay safe. I am staying home, and will take the time to relax over the next few days, and doing things to put me in a good mood.
          I will not post, I know I talked about it before, but I want you to know what is going on, and so you can continue to stay safe.
          Covid is still dangerous, I know it, but so many people don’t know this. I have a family member that could kill someone, just because he does not believe in COVID.
          So you all soon, bye.


Hey Guys!
          I have a few announcements to make.
          First, for the most part, my parents and I know where we are going to move. It is not confirmed yet, as far as I know, but we have an offer accepted on a house, and we are excited!
          University has not started for me officially yet, but I am getting a head start as I am studying Psychology this year, and it is a big subject.
          My trip to Edinburgh was also really nice, and there are photos from the trip on my Instagram if you are interested, @tigerstanden if you want to check it out.
          And, The Bear is now home. If you did not read my last update, my parents and my dog, Brutus, or The Bear, was put down on the 15th, and he came home on the 24th. It is still hard on us, but he was struggling for a long time.
          Just a quick update for you. I don't know when my parents and I are going to move, but I will let you know when we have officially moved, and there will be photos on my Instagram once I am set up.
          I am also working on some more stories right now. I will be doing some bulk writing and I will upload them once I am ready.
          Bye, see you all later!


Hey guys, I made a chapter on 'Tales of the Night' about what is happening with my parents and me moving, as well as the weeks I will not be posting, but something has come up.
          Today, our family dog, Brutus, has been put down.
          My family is absolutely heartbroken right now, and I have been crying for days now. 
          I am just going to make this short, but I will still post the next chapter of 'Tales of the Night', and take some time to grieve, among everything else I have going on.
          I will also write a story in honour of The Bear (Brutus), so everyone can know what he meant to my family, and myself, as well as our friends.
          I am going to go, I am crying a lot right now.