
hey everyone sorry if it feels like i've been mia for to long my job has been working me to the brim and Ive barely been managing to make due date deadlines on my college assignments i appreciate those of you who are still here im currently working on a new chapter of dawn of the green ranger i should have it finished within the next 2 or 3 days


ps to clarify it could also be sooner depending on how much i get done on it each time i go to work on it but thats a rough estimate


BTW is you're character already suppose to be a ranger or was he a replacement


Hey uh question I’m writing the first chapter of our collaboration fanfic and what animal is your pink ranger supposed to be exactly I’m assuming since it’s a pink bird I’m assuming flamingo but what bird species was never specified


Love the cover Thunderstrike2002


@MEGAFORCE1314 yeah go on ahead I’ve been held up lately mainly with work and a few other things like my nephews supposed to be coming into town as well pretty soon here so go on ahead it’ll probably be a few days till I have time to write


Hey Thunder,
            You haven't been active for a while so I was wondering if I should start the 3th chapter of our collab book, if you want me to wait I'm cool with that as I know you're a busy person but pls respond soon so I can know you're decision


Hey, Thunderstrike2002 I'm Megaforce1314 from another account I just want to say I'm so sorry for posting that comment I didn't mean to upset you. I didn't delete it for 2 reasons 1 I didn't know how and also I don't always check my notifications so I didn't know that you wanted me to delete it before you deleted this comment I just want to say you're stories are amazing so I want to read them and again I'm so sorry pls forgive me and unblock me 
          Love from Megaforce1314


Hey like I just say you published your story in about to put mine up as well at least with the character bio


@MEGAFORCE1314 also I understand I’ll leave you be to do your work


hey everyone sorry if it feels like i've been mia for to long my job has been working me to the brim and Ive barely been managing to make due date deadlines on my college assignments i appreciate those of you who are still here im currently working on a new chapter of dawn of the green ranger i should have it finished within the next 2 or 3 days


ps to clarify it could also be sooner depending on how much i get done on it each time i go to work on it but thats a rough estimate


Is Kat Jay's mom ? It was confirmed that Kat is J.J.'s mother.


@marvelousand2 k I just didn’t want to come off the wrong way


It’s all good.


@marvelousand2 sorry if that last comment came out a bit aggressive sounding I genuinely was asking if it made sense now that I’ve explained it but I can see how my wording might come off a big aggressive in that last sentence


Please update Dawn of the green ranger


@Johnbobdude like it took me a whole day each to write up those chapters as I’ve stated previously over the years I don’t have an update schedule I write for fun but it’s not something I always have time to work on while it will recieve updates in due time I can’t garuntee I’ll have a chapter posted every day as I still have real life to deal with writing is a side hobby while it’s something I’d like to have more time to do I unfortunately have to take whatever time I can manage to spare


Hey everyone I'm currently working on a power rangers mystic force fan fiction but could use some ideas for what power rangers team I should do next if you have any suggestions for other teams or oc rangers I should add in post them in chat have a nice day