
Finally got back into a routine where I can write. Also I’m having a bit of trouble loading in pics and vids anyone know how to fix that?


@ThomasFuller2 Not Sure What's Causing That


Finally got back into a routine where I can write. Also I’m having a bit of trouble loading in pics and vids anyone know how to fix that?


@ThomasFuller2 Not Sure What's Causing That


Hey everyone so I’m just letting everyone know that the next few chapters will be out soon. I’m just having a little bit of delay with everything due to Hurricane Idalia since I live in a area affected by the storm. At least 90% of my county has no power and am dealing with a lot of Tree debris that is being cleaned up. Hopefully the next chapter’s will be up within the next two weeks.


Just so everyone knows. The Hellp desk idea was inspired by a person on Tik Tok that goes by @See.Ya.Later she does scenarios of souls coming down to hell wondering why they are there or what they did that made them end up there. If I end up writing this story it will mostly be Izuku talking to the Hell's Belles and helping at the desk with a few chapters of him capturing missing souls.