
Hey there, if someone's out there still interested the stuff I wrote years ago, then I'm here to announce that I am back. For reals this time. I'll be reworking some of ny stuff, fixing them both grammatically and plot-wise, so expect chapter updates when I'm through with that. Till then, thank you for sticking up with me until this long. 


Hey there, if someone's out there still interested the stuff I wrote years ago, then I'm here to announce that I am back. For reals this time. I'll be reworking some of ny stuff, fixing them both grammatically and plot-wise, so expect chapter updates when I'm through with that. Till then, thank you for sticking up with me until this long. 


pardon if i'm interrupting u, but when are you gonna update this?


@BlazEllIce Currently working on a few stuff on its first chapters, filling up some holes and writing the update. I figure it'll be done within 2 to 3 days from now, but I'll try to make the wait worth it. 


@ThisFourLouis I'm really interested in it! It's so romantic! Good luck on the update!


@BlazEllIce If you're still interested in it, might update soon. And I'll definitely get to reconstructing it for better grammar. 


Hello to all. So I was out of Wattpad for who-knows-how-long and I've decided to try and come back to writing. Or not try but DO come back. The only difference would be that I would focus more on my Own Fictions which means I might not but not never update on my fan fictions. I will try to update the fanfics too though, but most focus will be put on my own fics. Thanks to those who bared with me.