
Writing a new story!!
          	Kinda like divergent i guess XD
          	while that genre. Goes along with hunger games divergent maze runner etc i guess.
          	OK i know this story will be totally based off of skillets Rise (song).
          	But anyways!!
          	This is gonna be a huge project!!! i gotta make a group but i am not that good at it..\
          	Well we/me needs spots for writing. I want extreme writers!! Like divergent. So this is how it goes. Me: sends a version to (ex:) bob. then bob sends it back to me (edited) and we keep doing that!!  until it is perfect!!! Like no removing peoples parts!! Just like fix it or make it better!! Don't be offend we can all grow from this!!!  It is rated PG13!!! Or TVMA i guess. 
          	This won't be a TV Show or anything.. i would but i can't. I know to i am to young to get photoshop a good microphone etc. But i can write!!!!! 
          	What we need:
          	Extreme/really good Writters.
          	A person to help me run the group.
          	Writers must have a watt pad,kik,DA and preferable a instagram. 
          	People to make art for the series
          	People to help spread the word
          	(For the writers)
          	Maybe Skype. And only Skype. I  don't use FaceTime (unless i know you super well) {No oovoo cause my iPad glitchs cause of no data. }
          	Lots of free time. You gotta be on a lot ...
          	What is it about:
          	A world when a huge war broke out for about (I have made how long the war has been but for at least 5 years maybe more)  a group wants to rise and make a revolution to stop the war. The main charters are the leaders or import people in the group.  The group makes up of 50-100 people. Although the odds are against them when about millions are fighting. They want to change there gray and brown world of fire into a green and warm world. Will the revolution rise? Or will it fall towards the ground?


@Themegalipton Well my kik is shared with the whole team and currently I cant use it but our kik is Pheonix_Slayer


@Banana_Slayer I am going to need your kik!! :)


@Themegalipton Ya sure! But I guess it's only me for now since the others don't want to help. So, whatcha need?


Writing a new story!!
          Kinda like divergent i guess XD
          while that genre. Goes along with hunger games divergent maze runner etc i guess.
          OK i know this story will be totally based off of skillets Rise (song).
          But anyways!!
          This is gonna be a huge project!!! i gotta make a group but i am not that good at it..\
          Well we/me needs spots for writing. I want extreme writers!! Like divergent. So this is how it goes. Me: sends a version to (ex:) bob. then bob sends it back to me (edited) and we keep doing that!!  until it is perfect!!! Like no removing peoples parts!! Just like fix it or make it better!! Don't be offend we can all grow from this!!!  It is rated PG13!!! Or TVMA i guess. 
          This won't be a TV Show or anything.. i would but i can't. I know to i am to young to get photoshop a good microphone etc. But i can write!!!!! 
          What we need:
          Extreme/really good Writters.
          A person to help me run the group.
          Writers must have a watt pad,kik,DA and preferable a instagram. 
          People to make art for the series
          People to help spread the word
          (For the writers)
          Maybe Skype. And only Skype. I  don't use FaceTime (unless i know you super well) {No oovoo cause my iPad glitchs cause of no data. }
          Lots of free time. You gotta be on a lot ...
          What is it about:
          A world when a huge war broke out for about (I have made how long the war has been but for at least 5 years maybe more)  a group wants to rise and make a revolution to stop the war. The main charters are the leaders or import people in the group.  The group makes up of 50-100 people. Although the odds are against them when about millions are fighting. They want to change there gray and brown world of fire into a green and warm world. Will the revolution rise? Or will it fall towards the ground?


@Themegalipton Well my kik is shared with the whole team and currently I cant use it but our kik is Pheonix_Slayer


@Banana_Slayer I am going to need your kik!! :)


@Themegalipton Ya sure! But I guess it's only me for now since the others don't want to help. So, whatcha need?


pfft. found ya :3
          welcome to watty!
          I wanna design your bio! can I pleaseeeeeeeeeeee?

