
Wow it's been a long time since I've been on here if you're waiting for my fics ill try to continue them I have a few more chapters of The devils daughter somewhere but I can't find em as soon as I do ill type them up and post em 


I am a senior in highschool now.
          Ive known the guy I have a crush on since 8th grade. Ive had this crush on him since freshman year.
          i finally told him and he is ignoring me. not to different from the usual but we have always had these weird little back and forth staring like I'll stare at him then he will stare at me and its a weird thing and im just like WTF 
          Sorry i just wanted to put this out there


He knows i like him is ignoring me but still stares


Hey my lovelies I'm sorry I suck at keeping up with my writing I will do better and yea I also have a Supernatural OFC fic on AO3 that ill also be posting on here once I get the time and a good laptop. So I just wanted yall to know ok thanks for reading my fics yay