
this message may be offensive
I’m so fucking useless, I managed to get 2 people suspended and I hate it, (Context: They took my phone and went through photos) I didn’t want them to, why am I fucking stupid, if only I wasn’t a crybaby then they probably wouldn’t be suspended rn. I really hate myself, I’m basically the only person this happens to, I’m so ready to either kill myself or just asked to be transferred to another school.


this message may be offensive
I’m so fucking useless, I managed to get 2 people suspended and I hate it, (Context: They took my phone and went through photos) I didn’t want them to, why am I fucking stupid, if only I wasn’t a crybaby then they probably wouldn’t be suspended rn. I really hate myself, I’m basically the only person this happens to, I’m so ready to either kill myself or just asked to be transferred to another school.


Accurate emotions when reading a fanfic: sad, angry, happy, disappointed, and shocked, very much shocked.
          Can’t tell you how many times I’ve read a fanfic and just went: Damn, DAMN


Like, I was reading a hp fanfic and it was the usual “harry is a soft boi who has thousands of abilities and things” and second to last chapter, he’s pregnant, I’m like “wtf?”