
this message may be offensive
I'm so fucking over everyone. I know everything happens for a reason but I'm so tired of hearing it. It doesn't make me miss her less and it doesn't make anything change. I'm so tired of people saying that.Things do happen for a reason,but stop saying that to people when really bad shit has happened. Talk abt the now bc we might not see the reason for this shit for years.


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I'm so fucking over everyone. I know everything happens for a reason but I'm so tired of hearing it. It doesn't make me miss her less and it doesn't make anything change. I'm so tired of people saying that.Things do happen for a reason,but stop saying that to people when really bad shit has happened. Talk abt the now bc we might not see the reason for this shit for years.


I swear I was so whipped last summer and it makes literally no fuckin sense. Like the thought of being with that person now is just like cringey. Like I was like high at the time.


Yeah, I can’t see you two together. Boggles my mind too girl 


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I swear my best friends worry the fuck outta me sometimes. No shit they'll be on some whole ass suicidal shit and then go ghost for days and expect me not to worry about them. Like bitch a nice lil hey I'm alive would be nice every now and again if you're gonna just disappear.


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I swear I find it funny how most people don't understand me. I do the majority of things I do to actually feel something. Isn't that why people do things to get some type of feeling or gratification out of it? So that's no different than me being high or doing anything else to not be fucking numb all the time. If yk yk if you don't good for you! Fuck off and stop acting like bitch for things you can't comprehend.


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I'm reading thirteen reasons why and it really makes me wonder would anyone ever really care about me if I decided to go? (Just to clarify this isn't just the book talking)Would I have anyone who truly even gave a fuck about me for more than just a year? The answer is probably not. It's funny because everyone's always like,"I would! I would!" Would they really? Would anyone really care after three months or a year max after my mother finds me overdosed in my bedroom? The answer is no. It really makes me wonder why the fuck do people keep fucking trying to convince me that there's something more here to stay for. There is nothing,I am nothing,and there is no reason to notice if I'm gone. 
          Sorry for ranting. I know your getting sick of listening to me carry on about this. Don't worry tho you won't have to see my notifications much longer.


I like to check up on this account every once in a while, and I would truly care. Yes, actions speak louder the words but this is probably one of the only times I would prefer that my words don’t need actions bc if you did get pushed that far and did that, I don’t know what I’d do. Plus, people care. No one is sick of your posts it’s better to let it out rather then bottling it up, this is one of the more healthy ways of letting them out and less destructive to yourself and others.