
I got some songs written for my band bloodbath synicsm it might be a little bit horror inspired when you find out what the songs are about 
          	1. Lucifried ( face the wolf slayer )
          	2. Grave dwellers
          	3. Vampire punks ( rise of the lost boys )


Why is it that I act like a five year old kid in a candy store when I go to spirit Halloween, watch Slasher flicks or just listening to the misfits? I enjoy metal and punk rock and I am big horror fan favorite movie has to be Friday the 13th part 7 new blood.


Okay so because I don't cry at all unless I laugh and laughing at people dying horror films makes me a psychopath and menace to society. What makes me psychopathic the fact I don't cry when I'm sad, the fact I laughed at Georgie getting his arm bitten off by pennywise? Please tell me.