
Alright! There is a serious issue here! And the name of that issue is: toxic relationships! They suck! They are soooo bad! And I would know! They ruin your self esteem, destroy your expectations and make you a social freak! 
          	Luckily I still have my friends who are magnificent! And I was talking to one of them earlier and it was like I was slapped with a handful of friendship! She actually liked my idea and I was so happy! No one ever likes my ideas, (here in my town) and now I just realized that I had to rant, sorry for wasting your time.


Thank you! It means a lot!:)


@ClovercatKitten @ClovercatKitten You didn't waste my time,and how dare anyone who doesn't like your ideas,I will plan their murders,even tho I will probably never kill them,I'll think about doing it.


Alright! There is a serious issue here! And the name of that issue is: toxic relationships! They suck! They are soooo bad! And I would know! They ruin your self esteem, destroy your expectations and make you a social freak! 
          Luckily I still have my friends who are magnificent! And I was talking to one of them earlier and it was like I was slapped with a handful of friendship! She actually liked my idea and I was so happy! No one ever likes my ideas, (here in my town) and now I just realized that I had to rant, sorry for wasting your time.


Thank you! It means a lot!:)


@ClovercatKitten @ClovercatKitten You didn't waste my time,and how dare anyone who doesn't like your ideas,I will plan their murders,even tho I will probably never kill them,I'll think about doing it.


Hi kiddos! So there's an issue. Would love to be an actor, however. Since my parents want me to be an architect, I have been told that it is a very risky route and that I have to work on my acting skills. Should I give up on my dream? Or should I continue to fight for what I want?


@ClovercatKitten You're welcome and thanks! :)


Thank you Clare! This is obe of the many reasonr you're my bestie!