
Hey peoples!! Just posted Chapter 2 in Little Fishy Go check that out and tell me what you think:);)


So I unpublished The Forest and Blue bc there are so many difficulties in them and I can't deal anymore. Maybe sometime in the future I can re-start them but rn is not the time.
          But that's not gonna stop me from writing other things. Check out Updates and tell me which story you want me to start and publish;)
          Keep reading and enjoy!!


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while I've just been very busy lately hanging out with my family alot. I also went to the Cherry Festival yesterday and won something I've been trying to win for years...... a goldfish!! I am so happy now. He is so pretty!! I named him Bubba Bubbles. I don't know why but I think it suits him. Ok that's pretty much all i needed to say other than I'm almost done with the next chapter and it will be up soon so, until next time.