
Happy new year everyone, may 2017 bring you all the joy and success you want! 
          	xxx the_rugbywoman 


Hey guys! I'm sorry about my lack of presence in the past few months, I've been preparing to go to uni so it was a bit hectic! Now that I'm all installed, and have more time on my hands, updates of TSMH should be more regular :) hope you guys are having a great time wherever you are! 
          xxx the_rugbywoman 


Hi everyone!
          I'm currently writing chapter 36... Be proud of me people!! I'll probably update within this week. Until then, don't forget I'm hosting a Q&A (is hosting the verb you use?...), so do send me some questions! I would love to hear from you amazing readers :) 
          Enjoy the end of your Sunday, and have a great week, wherever you are! 
          Cheers, the_rugbywoman xxxx


I finally updated!! I hope you like the new chapter, I've changed the style a bit, let me know what you think! I'm also going to do a Q&A to celebrate 15k+ reads on TSMH, so be sure to ask me any question you have in the comments, by message... Thank you all for reading! :D
          Have a nice evening 
          xxx the_rugbywoman