
Also I dislike the new wattpad update.


@The_Mephie_who_can ???whats the new update?


so i hated how the newest chapter of a demon's cries turned i spent three hours fixing it, i had almost been done when i opened a new tab, once done with that tab...i closed all tabs, forgetting i was on my laptop and wattpad wouldn't auto save my 3+ hours of work.....i now have to go back and fix it all over again...lovely.


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So I keep getting comments on one of my chapters, in the beginning of said chapter Y/n is having a dream and in the dream Deku is being all flirty and going to kiss her.....YALLS COMMENTS ABOUT STRANGER DANGER AND SHIT HAVE INSPIRED ME TO MAKE THAT DREAM TURN INTO SOMETHING THAT INVOLVES VILLAINS