
why am i old and still act like i'm five
          	i don't think this is fAir :(


There's someone out there who likes you
          It doesn't matter if you're bald, old, or anything else
          It's just an outwards appearance
          If they judge you on how you look, then they're dicks and NOT meant for you
          I'm very encouraging. xD


When you follow someone and then decide that you actually don't want to, so a few seconds later you unfollow them and now you wanna apologise because you kinda don't like following people with that many followers even if you like their writings- *flips table* KMS


Ayo, my dudes- This is Nicko, this crappy conductor speaking here- I, ME NOT HAILEE, am probably going to removing all of my shitty 13 year old works from this profile (except those random things). I won't be reposting them because the health of the present community is kept in mind and honestly, these stories sucked. A lot. We all can agree on this, I'm positive-
          Thanks for reading this and I'M OUT, YO- AND HAPPY EARLY NEW YEARS-


@The_25th_Bam talk about relatable. My 13 year old works are the most cringiest things to ever look upon xD 


Ha! I've learned how to say "Killua is hot" with my normal blank face stare (within 15 minutes)! Already knew how to say "Kou is hot" with a straight face. I dunno if I should be proud of those facts though......


My bro says that Killua isn't hot, and that was after I showed him a picture. His facial expression almost killed me, I was laughing so hard.


Thanks you SO much. I really like to say that. Now it's time to say "smokein' hot" with a straight face. While saying Killua.


Yes you did XD