
@chococakeandsmarties Oh I'm definitely going to keep writing! I just wanted to see if anyone was still around:)


Guys, guess what?... I'M A GRADUATE!!! We just finished the ceremony a little while ago. We're waiting on my grandmother and my aunt before we go to the reception, but I just wanted to drop in and let everyone know! I am so happy!!
          Plus, I didn't trip while on stage. HUGE bonus:) I love all of you guys and as soon as I can, I will be on regularly.


Yesterday was my last day of school. I get out five and half days before juniors and sophomores. I actually miss school a little I think it's seeing my friends I miss. I'm just so used to seeing everyone everyday.
          I kow I haven't uploaded in a while. I'm going to try and change that since I don't graduate until next Saturday.


Hey loverlies... I just wanted to update everyone with what's been going on. I haven't uploaded in a while. My senior year is coming to an end and I'm SWAMPED with stuff. I have to make sure I have no debts, I have to turn everything in, graduation practices, schoolwork and getting all my announcements and invitations out. Plus, I just got a job and I'm getting used to that.
          The upside to that it I'm getting a paycheck this Thursday. First one ever! I'm so excited!
          I am dating someone new and let me tell you guys, he's awesome. I'm almost speechless when it comes to describing him, which is so unusual for me:)
          So, please bear with me as I wrap everything up and write new chaoters to my life as well as my books.


Hey guys...Long time, no see huh? I'm sorry that I've been gone so long. School is really hitting hard. And even though last week was Spring Break, I was over at my grandma's (who has no WiFi signal within a million miles of her house) learning to drive and parallel park.
          Prom is coming up and I have my dress and date:) It should be so much more fun than last year. That shouldn't take up too much of my time since I will only be busy for a day with that. Well, two since Jesse is taking me with him when he goes to get his tuxedo.
          BUT, I have exactly one month and sixteen until I walk the field and I'm handed my fake diploma. Yay!
          So, forgive me for being gone so long? I hate it too.