
I swear we aren't dead! We have been crazy busy lately! I swear!


That moment when you're trying to write a short chaptered, less than seventeen chapter story and you end up getting too into it, coming with a billion different scenarios and directions.
          We're currently working on our new story "Crescendo" and are going more in-depth than we thought. Ties of Skis and Skates Chapter 7 will hopefully be out by the end of this month. Our school is currently testing, so our classes are longer on Tuesdays, giving me(Eclipse) time to type (And for Waltzee to write).
          ~Eclipse and Waltzee


We were sitting in class and finished "Ties of Skies and Skates" and started a new story. We will be posting more ToSaS biweekly, so stay tuned! We have some amazing chapters coming up. (And most of my favorite moments.) Reply below you favorite moments so far!
          ~Waltzee and Eclipse


*URGENT UPDATE* Hello everyone! Chapter Two has now been up for a bit! Due to some unforeseen school circumstances, also known as too much homework, we cannot update this week. Next week we will post Chapter Three. We'd like to thank everyone for your reads and votes thus far. 
          ~Waltzee and Eclipse