
For those of you who care I have a new account @eyebeesea


this message may be offensive
"its the end of the world as we know it and I (don't) feel fine"
          hey every one,
          I might delete this account and start a new one at some point. I have said some things I regret and feel like shit for the way I have handled it. I don't know. I'm sorry to those people I screwed up I get it. I might not start a new account I don't know. If I don't come back I will still be doing the collaboration with SafeHaven if we do decided to write the book so don't worry about that....well this might be it or not I don't know.


Hey Everyone!
          I just posted my colab with @SafeHaven19904 is out and we are thinking of making it a book so please go read it if you are 16 or over (because it dose have some sex in it) and let us know if we should make the book! 
          It is now in my "Random Thoughts from a Twisted Mind Collection #1" and it called "The Party on Halloween" 
          THANK YOU AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT !( if you are 16 or over)


@TheToyBox we changed to to just be for mature readers so if you think you are mature enough then please read it and tell us what you think


Hey everyone Jay &Addie is back!!! 
          Now it is on my page and I will try and update one a week from now on just keep in mind we both have other stories to update so it might be a bit longer. I did however post the first two chapters so you get to know them a bit. 
          I hope you like it! 
          thanks ~TM