
I'm going to be taking a hiatus from Fangless.  I have other more pressing things to be working on, so don't expect an update any time soon.


I'm officially done editing from the Prologue to chapter 19 (if anyone actually still reads Fangless...but whatever).  I'll be uploading chapter 20 on Saturday, and am going to switch back to one update a week (Saturdays only).   I want my chapters to be longer and better edited.


Hello, I'm here with a little (probably frustrating) update.  After chapter 19, I'm taking a break.  It'll be between one week mostly likely (so from this Saturday to next Saturday), but it's necessary.  I'm sure you've noticed but some facts in Fangless don't align from chapter to chapter.  So, in order to fix that, I'm going back and rewriting some parts of the chapters to make them make more sense.  Possibly almost entire chapters, actually, depending on how the facts line up currently.  And I KNOW that you're going to be frustrated from this, but I need to so I can move forward and so the story will make sense.  
          Thank you for understanding.


@_Infinite_Dark I'm not targeting you! But thank you, and I might take a break for a little bit...maybe.  I'm not really sure yet, but I'll keep you guys posted.


To the few followers that I DO have, I just want to say that if you aren't looking to just read my stories, could you help me fix them?  The plot, grammar, even the characters, just pick them apart for their flaws and tell me straight up because that's what I want the most from this website.  Thanks - BH


I FINALLY updated Silhouette and I'm so sorry it took this long to do.  Recently I've had a hard time being inspired to write anything, so I apologize for not having it up sooner.


As you may have seen already, I have the book Silhouette on hiatus.  I know there are more of you reading that story rather than Cuspid, but I have no ideas for it.   However, I do have a few books in my drafts that have the same BxM/MxM/BxB relationships in them, and I have more ideas for those than for this one.  I haven't published any of them because trying to update more than two books regularly is too much for me, but they're there, waiting.  
          The titles of these other stories are The Underground's Treasure, The Power of the one and only Universe, Going in blind, or Mr. Alexander David's school for Misbehaving and Troubled Adolescents.  I'll post the synopsizes of these books on a separate story, and the one with the most votes will be the one Silhouette will be replaced with.
          Thank you for reading this, love you all! - Oopy


You got one hell of an amazing story!! Great job ^__^


I really did. I was hooked all the time. Hope we can be friends and follow me too ♥️♥️


@zoubaf thank you!  It's really reassuring to know that someone enjoys what I'm putting out!