
Oh damn, I'm at 100 followers.. damn, just... holy wow... got no words, y'know? Sure the number was getting bigger, but this big? It's crazy.. 
          	Thank you all for following me for my mediocre book (or books) it's... just thank you.  
          	ALSO- sorry that I've basically died for a little while. Writers block kicked my ass so hard it looked like I came out of a fight with some strong person that I can't think of right now. I am trying to get back into the writing scene, like a new book or two- again, sorry for being deader than a doornail. I do wanna get back into book writing. 
          	Aight. That was that very elusive update, hope those who see this enjoy their day and have a good week.
          	This is TheSpaceFanatic tellin you's: See ya.


@TheSpaceFanatic98 nah you good, bud. Remember, writing on sites like this is for YOUR entertainment, us reading it is simply a bonus on our end. Take your time


Oh damn, I'm at 100 followers.. damn, just... holy wow... got no words, y'know? Sure the number was getting bigger, but this big? It's crazy.. 
          Thank you all for following me for my mediocre book (or books) it's... just thank you.  
          ALSO- sorry that I've basically died for a little while. Writers block kicked my ass so hard it looked like I came out of a fight with some strong person that I can't think of right now. I am trying to get back into the writing scene, like a new book or two- again, sorry for being deader than a doornail. I do wanna get back into book writing. 
          Aight. That was that very elusive update, hope those who see this enjoy their day and have a good week.
          This is TheSpaceFanatic tellin you's: See ya.


@TheSpaceFanatic98 nah you good, bud. Remember, writing on sites like this is for YOUR entertainment, us reading it is simply a bonus on our end. Take your time


So.. imma just start by saying: Ho my- why do I stay up for so long thinking of cool stories?! It's- it's nice sometimes, but... like, Sleep please? Anyways.. Heya, I'm here, the next chapter is... it's something, that's for sure... but last night I've had the dumbest, coolest idea for some random mha thing, so I'll just write it here so I don't forget- (anyone else feel bad for "announcing" anything to anyone?)
          (Turns out I wrote too much and it went over the word limit, so I got it somewhere else-)
          sorry the next chapter is taking a while, but it's understandable why it took this long this time tho- Christmas came and went, I did say I'd take a break, but I maaaaaay have gotten to the point in the chapter where the lemon is coming in... and I have no fuckin clue how to write it. Hopefully I figure something out.. alright, see ya's.


@TheSpaceFanatic98 if it makes you feel better, I will more than likely skip over the Lemon, regardless


Very important question, my friend. Do you know of the Pope's son's father who died in the desert while walking her fish in the grass?


@TheSpaceFanatic98 not you worry. For this keeps your mind free for further interactions with the gods of the old faith, if they so choose to harass you once again.


A very perplexing question indeed.. tis unfortunate enlightenment will not cross mine mind. (It's fine, this is very fun)


@TheSpaceFanatic98 I would be more than happy to, unfortunately I know not the proper words to speak, as anything less would merely insult the concept. (I can't think of anything else to add)