
I can’t believe this, but I’ve been gone for 2 years. I have gone over many progressing stages for my stories, so things will now change.
          	I am completely remodelling this account. I will be deleting IronSight and The Shadow Archer. I found a massive fault in IronSight and I want to restart The Shadow Archer: mainly because I wrote the books early on and didn’t have a complete idea for where they went. So both of The Shadow Archer books are coming down and being redone at length.
          	Whatever I keep and am going to write are all a part of the one universe. And they will eventually link if I ever get that far. I hope my writing has improved, but even if it’s not too good I hope you guys enjoy the story for the creativity.
          	I can’t promise a definite period of time between chapter release. I will only be writing the stories when I have a chance to. I will always be busy, because that’s just a part of what I like and who I am - so I hope you guys understand and are happy to wait. :)
          	In saying that, I will TRY to do at least one chapter a fortnight, if I’m any better maybe every week. It really just depends on how the weeks approach. I will first finish off Life Never Ends since it’s going well.
          	Following that will be:
          	1. The Shadow Archer
          	2. X-Bolt Origins
          	3. Parallel Worlds Part One
          	4. IronSight
          	After that, I will let you know the plans. I will release some short stories as well, similar to “The Tale Of The Legends”.
          	I will also continue “Propensity” as a solo writer. It will be integrated into my universe as well. 
          	It’s good to be back, and I hope there’s a lot to look forward to!
          	Thanks everyone. :)
          	~ Shadow


I can’t believe this, but I’ve been gone for 2 years. I have gone over many progressing stages for my stories, so things will now change.
          I am completely remodelling this account. I will be deleting IronSight and The Shadow Archer. I found a massive fault in IronSight and I want to restart The Shadow Archer: mainly because I wrote the books early on and didn’t have a complete idea for where they went. So both of The Shadow Archer books are coming down and being redone at length.
          Whatever I keep and am going to write are all a part of the one universe. And they will eventually link if I ever get that far. I hope my writing has improved, but even if it’s not too good I hope you guys enjoy the story for the creativity.
          I can’t promise a definite period of time between chapter release. I will only be writing the stories when I have a chance to. I will always be busy, because that’s just a part of what I like and who I am - so I hope you guys understand and are happy to wait. :)
          In saying that, I will TRY to do at least one chapter a fortnight, if I’m any better maybe every week. It really just depends on how the weeks approach. I will first finish off Life Never Ends since it’s going well.
          Following that will be:
          1. The Shadow Archer
          2. X-Bolt Origins
          3. Parallel Worlds Part One
          4. IronSight
          After that, I will let you know the plans. I will release some short stories as well, similar to “The Tale Of The Legends”.
          I will also continue “Propensity” as a solo writer. It will be integrated into my universe as well. 
          It’s good to be back, and I hope there’s a lot to look forward to!
          Thanks everyone. :)
          ~ Shadow


Hey Guys! I'm back and in action, a whole lot of stuff has been going down! We now have TheShadowArchR youtube channel up and running. With plenty of videos for you guys to watch!
          Chapters will be posted by Sunday, which will be the 13th of November, (AEDT). So hang in there, we're gonna get these stories back into a flow! Thanks guys.


Hey Guys!
          Healing isn't going well! The 6 Chapters I promised will be done most likely by the end of October, if not, the start of November!
          Hang in there guys, my life has been hectic with this broken bone and I can't wait to get back into writing! xD


Hey guys!
          New sub-character of DJD Studios, created by my friend of LewisEnterprises, has 2 chapters up. The name is 'The Executioner,' and has a cool story set up for the future. Go check it out! He's quite a strong descriptive writer and we want your reactions!
          Eventually we'll be combining our characters into stories through different ways. Just so you're aware, he completely created this character and story himself, nothing from me yet.
          I'll be hooking him up with a book cover and adding his own character creations to the huge profile page that will come with DJD Studios' web page.
          That also reminds me, I have 2 websites up and running through other servers, please go check them out!
          Have fun guys, stay tuned for more! Bye for now.


Hey Guys!
          Unfortunately I have 2 more chapters left that I promised by August 12th. Due to a sporting accident, I've broken my clavicle (collar) bone. I'm not allowed to use my whole left arm, or make any big movements with my whole neck region of muscles.
          This will last for however long, it's at least 6 weeks, 10 at the most I'd say. I'm not allowed to do any sporting like activities until roughly after 3 months. This means updating will be held off for a long while unfortunately, I'm really sad about it, and just wanted you guys to know so there's no blame or confusion.
          If you have any questions, go ahead and ask me, I'm happy to answer any chucked at me. Once again, very sorry. To make up for it, when I'm able to post again I'll do another 6 chapters by a said date. Roughly talking, I'd say it'd be about 15th of October.
          However I can never be sure if it'll be later or earlier, so stick with me, hope the time will fly by.
          Talk Another Time! :)


Hey Guys!
          I forgot to say this, but after the 6 Chapters of LNE, I'll be releasing 1st Chapters' of a lot of books.
          Due to this, you guys get to have a glimpse of what's to come, and if you want me to work on a particular one, then I will do so.
          This is just to give you the opportunity to tell me what you want. If there is more than one preference I'll set up a 2 chapter each system. :)
          Hope you're excited!


Hey Guys! Just a quick update on things:
          First of all, I'm not sure how updating is going to be over the next half year, but hopefully better. However, I WILL be posting up 6 new chapters of Life Never Ends by August 12.
          Second of all, it's confirmed that the website will be done by the end of this year in some form, meaning it's not far away until it will go public!
          Last of all, I would completely love to hear ideas everyone! As much as this is my universe, I want it to grow so it's created through a community of people! Read through the stories, comment some ideas and I'll try to put it in my stories somehow! Just so you know, if you decide to do this, make sure you say I can use it as my own. If you don't, I won't use, if you do I'll put you as an interactive idea creator for a shout out at the start and end of the chapter!
          I hope you guys are excited!
          And I hope you enjoy the stories!


Hey guys!
          Sorry I haven't been updating every Sunday so far. Just got really busy suddenly. Anyway! This might affect me updating my own books, but guess what?! I'm working with someone quite popular named NekoKeeper! She's my friend and we are working together making a book named Propensity! I'm doing all the huge idea backstory part. She's doing all the amazing writing and detail. We're taking turns at writing chapters and then editing in different ways. Yes we of course have a say in each other's jobs and yes this is going to be a massive task. So! Get ready! We're planning 3 BOOKS! Of which will probably have around 30 CHAPTERS each! How epic is that! Look forward to it! The first chapter is being posted up tomorrow on NekoKeeper's Account. I might be posting it up too, probably not because this account is literally just for superheroes. But you never know, I could spice things up, let me know what you think though about me changing up things around here. Anyway ENJOY IT - I HOPE YOU REALLY LIKE THE BOOK, It's gonna be AWESOMENESS! Bye!


Hey guys. So, as I just posted at the end of chapter 4 of Life Never Ends, I'll be updating based on votes. Well as bonus updating I mean. I'll be trying to update every week, every Sunday is going to be update day. Don't be annoyed if I update it on the Monday, if this happens it will be because I'm out for the day or very distracted. Anyway, as I was saying. If I reach 10 votes on a chapter, then the next Sunday I will update 2 chapters. If we somehow reach 15, I will release 3, and if we amazingly hit 20, I will release 4. You might think I'm crazy, but at this rate I will. This will change based on how many followers I have. I will post if it does change. Anyway, you have a purpose to vote if you like the book now. Thanks to everyone who is supporting me, you don't know how happy I actually am that you guys read my books. So big thanks and enjoy the next however long of awesome chapters released. Bye for now.